Happy new Year 2011 Everyone

Happy new Year 2011 Everyone

Merry Christmas To All

Merry Christmas To All

AIMAT 2010

AIMAT is entrance exam for AIM, Manila. its a 2 hrs paper, It is a GMAT format. At the end you need to write an essay.

It's critical reasoning is toughest. you need to prepare with IQ tests, you can find material in aim mba google group. a


 The clocks on the walls, the clocks on the computers, the clocks on hands and wrists, alarm clocks, the Howard Miller wall clock, the howardmillergrandfatherclocks, the sundials, those sticks that tell us what to do, and all other sorts of names and titles that those time pieces can go by. And a host of other sayings about that word time. A stitch in time saves nine and any other saying there is to be said about that word time. And what else more is there that I can say about this word time that has not already been said in time, as it seems as if I find myself blogging about clocks on this blog every so often for some reason or another. And watches and clocks are another one of those things that I have seen everywhere throughout my travels here on planet earth for as long as I can remember throughout time. And now with the invention of all things internet these days and times, one can buy one of those clocks without ever having to leave home, or at least without ever having to leave a computer, as the invention of all things internet has made buying one of those clocks and just about anything else one can think of just a website visit away.

CAT 2010 Practice Test

Many students like to solve the CAT 2010 Practice Test to sharpen their minds and knowledge these days. Cracking CAT 2010 is not impossible as many students do so very successfully after good preparations.

Online CAT Tips

For CAT aspirants, there are certain important guidelines, which they need to follow; proper time management is very important. Fixing up personal deadlines for various mock tests and preparation of quant, vocabulary, reasoning is required. Practice to work under stress and anxiety like real test conditions. Benchmarking your performance with others is another important thing to be kept in mind. Over the year the number of questions has decreased substantially, earlier there used to be 200 questions which decreased to 150 – 123 and further reduced to 90 questions.

The key to success, therefore, lies in two important parameters- Accuracy or strike date and smart selection of the questions you want to attempt. One should develop a clear strategy before going for the CAT examination – Clearing the concepts in mathematics, puzzle solving, knowledge on current issues and economics. Develop a good hold on essay writing and most importantly increase your vocabulary by over 1000 words. All these are some important guidelines for the CAT aspirants, which they need to follow for cracking the CAT, 10.

CAT 2010

CAT2010 is going on . According to the experts, the overall difficulty level of the questions was from Easy to Moderate. In comparison to CAT 2009, the paper was tough, but barring four to five tough questions in each section the rest were attemptable. An attempt of 42 to 45 questions in total and 12 to 15 questions in a section can fetch a good call. 

Along with maximising your attempts, you should focus on your accuracy. Around 90% accuracy will be enough for clearing the cut offs and ensuring a call from top B-schools. In order to ensure accuracy, you should attempt only those questions which you are sure of. 

Best of luck to all who are going to give CAT.

AIM Learnings

I am trying to capture my learnings in a new blog, called AIM Learning http://aimlearning.blogspot.com/
Main subjects are human behavior, management communication and Marketing.

Socialnomics: Blogs

It is the Economics of social networks, companies market through blogs.

The time has come for SOCIAL MARKETING optimization. There are 2 billion net users , 110 million blogs.

 The types of blogs are
2.media type
3. corporate & organizatinal
4. device (mobile,pda)

VALS Survey

I recently took VALS survey. Its a survey to know about your nature.

My result of the survey was

Your primary VALS™ type is Achiever, and your secondary type is Experiencer.

The primary VALS type represents your dominant approach to life. The secondary classification represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach.

What it means?


Motivated by the desire for achievement, Achievers have goal-oriented lifestyles and a deep commitment to career and family. Their social lives reflect this focus and are structured around family, their place of worship, and work. Achievers live conventional lives, are politically conservative, and respect authority and the status quo. They value consensus, predictability, and stability over risk, intimacy, and self-discovery.

With many wants and needs, Achievers are active in the consumer marketplace. Image is important to Achievers; they favor established, prestige products and services that demonstrate success to their peers. Because of their busy lives, they are often interested in a variety of time-saving devices.

Source: http://www.strategicbusinessinsights.com/vals/presurvey.shtml


Furniture is the mass noun for the movable objects  intended to support various human activities such as seating and sleeping in beds, to hold objects at a convenient height for work using horizontal surfaces above the ground, or to store things. Storage furniture such as a nightstand often makes use of doors, drawers, shelves and locks to contain, organize or secure smaller objects such as clothes, tools, books, and household goods. (See List of furniture types.)
Furniture can be a product of design and is considered a form of decorative art. In addition to furniture's functional role, it can serve a symbolic or religious purpose. Domestic furniture works to create, in conjunction with furnishings such as clocks and lighting, comfortable and convenient interior spaces. Furniture can be made from many materials, including metal, plastic, and wood. Furniture can be made using a variety of woodworking joints which often reflect the local culture.

Leather Sofas at are great choice for either your home or office. Furnishing your living room with Sofa or Leather Sofa, Loveseatand Chair set is easy now, because we have so much styles available. Ordering of any combination is possible through ordering options. You can find any style and color you want, from really affordable, but modern designs, to more quality contemporary furnishings. 'Classic' Modern Furniture designs are also available. Take a look to matching Coffee Table with your set. We also have Chairs section, there are some unique items.

Asian Institue of Management SY 2010 (MBA) Batch

Asian Institue of Management SY 2010 (MBA) Batch

Vinyl banner

Vinyl banner is one of the best  site for people.

VinylBanners.com is the premiere online source for all of your vinyl banner advertising needs
They have all kinds of banner like ,Popular,Business,Happy Birthday,Welcome Home,Weddings,Graduation
,Sports,Church,Grand Opening,Sales,Safety,Real Estate,Restaurant,Trade Show,Team,Love,School,Christmas,Band,Military and Luau.

You can  your own artwork, or partner with our design team to create a one-of-a-kind promotional display that will fulfill and surpass your requirements. You can count on them to produce your banner to your exact specifications with the latest manufacturing technology
They have thousands of design templates; There customer support is great you call them at any time. There number is (888) 299-6780
The site hoardings you see running around new developments nowadays present businesses with a perfect opportunity for demonstrating the power of great design, as long as the hoarding structure is well-prepared and built to last.
Advertising hoardings will potentially be on display for months with thousands of prospective clients passing by and the power of a great hoarding design complementing a scheme is not to be underestimated. It is worth spending time when designing a site hoarding as this is normally the largest piece of marketing material you will produce during a campaign
If you are having any functions. Just call them or go online and order. They have a good delivery system too. I really like there quality of banners it’s a really good experience.

Vinyl banner

Vinyl banner is one of the best  site for people.

VinylBanners.com is the premiere online source for all of your vinyl banner needs
They have all kinds of banner like ,Popular,Business,Happy Birthday,Welcome Home,Weddings,Graduation
,Sports,Church,Grand Opening,Sales,Safety,Real Estate,Restaurant,Trade Show,Team,Love,School,Christmas,Band,Military and Luau.

You can  your own artwork, or partner with our design team to create a one-of-a-kind promotional display that will fulfill and surpass your requirements. You can count on them to produce your banner to your exact specifications with the latest manufacturing technology
They have thousands of design templates; There customer support is great you call them at any time. There number is (888) 299-6780
The site hoardings you see running around new developments nowadays present businesses with a perfect opportunity for demonstrating the power of great design, as long as the hoarding structure is well-prepared and built to last.
Advertising hoardings will potentially be on display for months with thousands of prospective clients passing by and the power of a great hoarding design complementing a scheme is not to be underestimated. It is worth spending time when designing a site hoarding as this is normally the largest piece of marketing material you will produce during a campaign
If you are having any functions. Just call them or go online and order. They have a good delivery system too. I really like there quality of banners it’s a really good experience.

international immersion a waste in PGPX

How would a five-day international immersion (involving 18 hours of teaching) and a four-week student-industry interface help someone with 10+ years of experience.

The effectiveness of student-industry interface programmes has also been questioned by the alumni. “With the relatively low level of engagement institutes have with industry, they find it difficult to support students and help find them projects in industries where the students aspire to make a switch. International immersion also does not seem to add much value. Sometimes, universities that B-schools tie up with are not globally renowned. So it turns out to be a waste of students’ time and money.


My friend has recently joined GEMS B SCHOOL. It is conceived by experienced academicians and inspired by accomplished professionals, is a mission initiated with the exclusive purpose of "Igniting Excellence" in young minds. Its focus is on creating leaders and not just developing managers. Its vision is to elevate the standards of management education with a curriculum that is robust, content rich and industry relevant.

The Courses and methodology are designed to be student friendly and at the same time matching global standards. GEMS B SCHOOL's strategic alliance with UK Universities and synergy with corporates enables students to have an internationally acclaimed post graduate degree/diploma fortified with real time industry exposure. Its campus, located in the heart of Bangalore city, amidst sylvan surroundings, in the precincts of the Bangalore palace, offers an un-paralleled ambience which is stimulating and soothing. Studying here is going to be an experience of a life time.

They have a unique program of working full time and doing MBA in weekends.

School Url: http://www.gemsbschool.com/

Many US universities are waste of money

Spending as much as $250,000 on a bachelors degree from world-renowned US universities such as Harvard University and Yale is a waste of money.

the cost of a 4-year degree has doubled in real dollars compared to a generation ago. But education, they say, has not become twice as good as many colleges lost their focus.

the tragedy of US universities is how many graduates now have six-figure loans, doled out with little regard to the students' ability to repay them

Another Indian named Chicago Bussiness School Dean

Sunil Kumar is dean of Booth School of Bussiness.

IIM students flooded with pre-placement offers

PPOs are pouring in at IIMs just a month after their students completed the internship. In a few cases, the students received offers even before the completion of internship. Some students are happy with the PPOs and are planning to give their final placement a skip as of now.

Pre-Placement Offers and Pre-Placement Interviews are pouring into IIMs with barely a month of completion of internship

Duration of internship ranges anywhere between 8 and 10 weeks .Students across IIMs returned to campus by mid-June .PPOs look healthy and promising compared to previous year

ISB forms 'Ivy League' with 3 Asian B-schools

The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, has tied-up with three top Asian B-schools to devise a strategy to attract more students from the United States, Canada  and Europe.

Along with the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China Europe International Business School, and Nanyang Technological University, ISB officials will jointly market the potential of studying management in Asia to Western students. All four B-schools, including ISB, feature among the top 30 in the Financial Times (London [ Images ]) rankings of the Top 100 Business Schools in the world.

Need a bedroom dresser?

It's Sunday once again, and the best thing to do first before enjoying the comforts of my bedroom is to clean all the dirt  that has piled up during the weekdays especially our bedroom dressers. With three, busy kids who go to college, our bedrooms can easily be disorganized. They always end up looking like an unruly mess, particularly our cloths. Whew, you could just imagine what a sight it makes! It is as if a hurricane just passed our room leaving no mercy to those who came her way.


process of getting Attestation

The process of getting Attestation at bangalore

1. So now you have got your PCC, the next step is attesttaion. go to MS building 1 , 1st floor 4 th room from the right.

2. Get a form from them for attestion.

3. Fill the form and go to MS building 5, bangalore one and do the payment of 105 Rs

4. get back the filled form and recipt to same place of step 1 and submot the same. He will give you a filled form in kannada and pcc.

5. Submit this copy at passport office koromongala.Everything will be done at enquiry counter itself, This is a lenghty process as you know the rush there. keep 5 hrs for this work. They will confirm that the pcc you submit is original.

6. after 7-10 days go to MS building room no. 224 and collect your attested PCC.

if any speciific doubt get in touch with me.

IIM Ranchi Classes started this week

The much-awaited classes of the first batch of the Indian Institute of Management-Ranchi (IIM-Ranchi) will start Wednesday.

The IIM-Ranchi was inaugurated by Jharkhand Governor M.O.H. Farook Tuesday evening.

The classes will begin at Soochna Bhavan, a five-storey building of the information and public relations department here.

Besides the governor, IIM-Kolkata Director Shekhar Chaudhary and senior government officials were present at the inauguration.

Economics by Paul A. Samuelson and William Nordhaus

Economics by Paul A. Samuelson and William Nordhaus is a very good text on the basic principles of Economics, particulary of microeconomics and macroeconomics. The explanations and graphics are very good. It is recommended by many MBA students.

Download the book here

New york Trip

Besides the urban allure, culture, and shopping of Manhattan, much of New York State is still, in many ways, waiting to be discovered on a grand scale. The state is endowed with outstanding beauty and diversity of scenery from one end to the other. Although New Yorkers have long vacationed in the Catskill and Adirondack mountains, and at Long Island beaches, most have seen too little of the state between its tourist bookends, New York City and Niagara Falls. The historic Hudson Valley, a majestic river lined with elegant estates, is finally positioning itself as a destination, not just a day trip from the city. The great wilderness of the Adirondack and Catskill mountains is magnificent for outdoors and sporting vacations, but those spots are also home to the easygoing charms of small towns. The pristine glacial-lake beauty and outstanding wineries of the Finger Lakes make it one of the state's most spectacular, yet lesser-known destinations. And Long Island is home to splendid sandy Atlantic Ocean beaches, but also the gulf of New York economic extremes, ranging from blue-collar immigrant enclaves to palatial summer homes in the Hamptons.
Planning a trip to a state as large and diverse as New York involves a lot of decision making, so in this post we've tried to give some good New York Hotels.
Its a great place to visit.

PCC- Step by Step Method

Here are steps to get a PCC at bangalore

1. Register 
at http://portal2.passportindia.gov.in/.../Left_link/PCC

2.Fill form online

3.upload supporting document.Passport 1st and last page signed and scanned. There will be two dropdowns .1st dropdown- For 1st page Select Other and old passport
2nd drop down- Additional Document and others

4.Schedule appointment, there are two centers one at lal bagh opposite urvashi and other opposite intel, marathalli. Remember to book 10 days prior.

6.Walkin to passport seva kendar and collect a token(different token for people with appointment). If you don't have appointment, it will take long time. Advice to go 30 mins prior to your schedule time.

7.Submit token slip, filled form, supporting documents and pay 300/-

8.Collect acknowledgment reciept, verify documents and you are done.

Rebuilding Car

I admire a person that can work on cars. These machines are such complicated beasts. Not unlike classic literature! My friend loves it when I try to compare his work on cars my work on fiction. But just like the parts of a story, car parts only fit together a certain way. Get them crooked or backwards and they just won't work. A good parts in necessary for functioning of the car.

Even though sometimes it's hard, I think I know how to be pretty creative. I'm not good at crafts, but I can squeeze out a few inspirational words every now and then. I really admire people that can build and rebuild cars.

A relative of mine recently decided that he wanted to find a frame at a junkyard and start building a car. I thought it would be extremely expensive and time consuming, but he showed me Parts Gorilla (where he had bought car parts before) and I saw that maybe he really could pull this off on time and on budget.

AIM, manila accreditations

AIM is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). It is the first graduate business school in Southeast Asia to attain accreditation from the two major international accrediting institutions, AACSB and EFMD( European Foundation for Management Development ).

Importance of global accreditation

Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are in talks to get foreign accreditation to adhere to global benchmark which is likely to help them in seeking tie-up with foreign counterparts. 
IIM Ahmedabad was the first to get such recognition when it got approval from the European agency EQUIS in 2008. IIM Bangalore got a similar accreditation from EQUIS last week. 
he accreditating organisation expects a B-school to adopt certain changes in its functioning to conform to its global standards as they go about the process. A B-school’s objectives, goals and research works come under the lens. “We are tweaking the evaluation methods by detailing feedback given to students and also increasing its frequency.

IIM Kozhikode hopes to get accredited by AMBA (Association of MBAs), a UK-based organisation, in next four months. 

IIMC has been in talks with AACSB International, a North American body, for a year now. An accreditation with AACSB will help IIMC to offer its students double degrees, one each from IIM Calcutta and the other from a US B-school, simultaneously. 

However, getting accreditation is not smooth and easy. Indian School of Business in Hyderabad had applied to AACSB in end of 2006 and is still going through the process.

B-school freshers get Rs 5,000-8,000

Sailing in the same boat is Namit Kumar (B-school freshers), whose MBA institute in Cuttack, Orissa, mostly lay barren as far as placements were concerned.

Namit was lucky to have got a sales job in a retail firm as a result of his own job hunt, for a monthly income of Rs 5,500, minuscule compared to what students from reputed institutes get.

“The entire course fee for two years was nearly Rs 4 lakh, but after spending so much, all I get is peanuts,” complains Kumar.

Namit's story is a grim reality despite talk of jobs and fancy salaries brimming all over again.

Of the 4,000 engineering institutes and approximately 1,600 business schools affiliated with the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), hundreds and thousands of the not-so famous institutes and their students have to grapple with low salaries or a no job scenario.

Advantage Foreign MBA

Does a foreign MBA degree from a renowned institute enhances your prospects of fetching a good job and gives you an edge over the rest?

    Due to globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation, it has become feasible to pursue an MBA course from foreign universities, especially in the UK, Australia, USA and Canada. Distance learning MBAs and online MBAs from foreign universities still have the same attraction. A foreign degree guarantees more exposure since students need to interact with fellow classmates and faculty who are culturallydiverse to learn and evolve. Does a foreign MBA still have the same attraction as in the past decade? “A foreign MBA degree is still attractive for a large pool of people in India, though only a few globally renowned institutes are great to get in, which include Asian Institute of Management - Philippines, London Business School - United Kingdom, Kellogg School of Management - USA, Harvard Business School - USA, Wharton University of Pennsylvania - USA, etc. One of the good points of a foreign MBA degree is its admission criteria which include 3-4 years of corporate experience and case-study presentations, which are based on realtime experience for students to learn the art of management,” notes Sunil Goel, director, GlobalHunt, an executive search firm.
    Says Jayaram K Iyer, professor – marketing, Loyola Institute of Business Administration, “Many gullible students are falling prey to glitzy advertisements and fivestar-hotel fairs from foreign universities that seem to promise more and deliver a lot less; it is as usual the country of origin effect: craze for anything foreign. Most of these foreign universities are here because they can’t find students in their own countries; it is business for them and no education can swerve from altruistic goals. Good foreign MBA degrees are restricted to a few top 30-40 B-schools in the world. However, one good aspect of all these foreign MBA schools is that students get a culturally-diverse exposure that moulds them to be more global in perspective. Of course, they also become more patriotic realising the worth of India.”
    Does a foreign MBA give a better pay, position, etc? “A foreign MBA degree from a renowned institute certainly gives better pay and position as it provides exposure, builds up strategic thinking, leadership ability and foremost, it teaches ways to be a cultural fit in an organisation. Holding a foreign MBA degree from a renowned institute develops high aspirations in a candidate as far as compensation is concerned; this might not be feasible in today’s economic scenario,” adds Goel. So the question is - is a foreign MBA essential to fetch a good job? “Finally, one needs to decide what he/she plans to do after an MBA. This is probably the most defining factor to take a decision. If one is planning to take up a job abroad, one can opt for a foreign MBA. If one plans to return to India on completion, one should think through. Compared to foreign B-schools, Indian institutions offer cost advantage, making them more attractive if one is planning to build one’s career in India,” feels Ajay Oberoi, director general & trustee, AICAR Business School.

Source: Ascent


Twitter is an in thing now days. Twitter is a combination of these various forms of communication, but its primary difference is that posts, or tweets, are restricted to 140 characters or less. As a Twitter user you can post updates, follow and view updates from other users
The quantity of followers decides your importance, Following someone simply means receiving their Twitter updates.   When you follow someone, every time they post a new message, it will appear on your Twitter home page.  New messages are added to your home page as people post them, so you always get the updates in real time.  When you log in, you can see what the latest updates are.  Twitter offers other ways to follow people too: you can get updates from certain people on your phone!
 There is an easy way to get more Twitter followers; you put your Twitter user name on a twitter business card. I found a website that has custom business card backgrounds, which are professional and attractive. The custom backgrounds cover various types of businesses. I found one business card that would be ideal for a web designer.

Some of the other business cards on this site were those for an attorney, teacher, medical professional, and a mommy card, to mention only a few. I found these custom business backgrounds cards along with Christmas cards, wedding invitations and many more.
If you are in online business. Twitter is really important. You can share updates with your followers

Bye Bye 'Z'

Soon we will have 25 alphabets in english language. English alphabet will be lose Z on June 1st. The announcement came from the English Language Central Commission (ELCC).

After carefully considering and debating the matter for over two years, the ELCC came to the conclusion that the letter “Z” should be removed from the English alphabet. The main objective of this change is to simplify the phonetic aspect of the language, and to unify the American and British spellings.

What will happen to the words that have the letter “z” in them? It depends on the word. According to the ELCC, words that started with a “z” will now start with an “x”.

Examples include:
zero becomes xero

Words that featured a “z” with the “s” sound, on the other hand, will now be officially written with the “s” (i.e., unifying the American and British spelling).

Examples include:
visualize becomes visualise

Let this change bring in US and UK vocabulary more close.

MHRD identifies 201 including ISB,ICFAI institutes running unapproved courses

The Ministry of Human Resource and Development has identified 201 private management and technical education institutes in the country running unapproved courses, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal informed Lok Sabha.

As per the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) regulations all private technical and management institutions will have to obtain prior approval from the council before starting any new course or programme. However, contrary to the guidelines there are around 201 institutes in the country conducting unapproved courses.

Some of the top institutes running courses without prior approval from AICTE are: Indian School of Business, Hyderabad; ICFAI Business School, Delhi, Gurgaon and Chandigarh; Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon; Indian Institute of Planning and Management, Delhi; K R Mangalam Global Institute of Management, New Delhi; J K Business School Gurgaon; M B Birla Institute of Management Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore; and Sikkim Manipal University, Bangalore.

A state wise break-up of these institutes showed that Maharashtra had maximum number of such institutes, with a total of 74. Delhi followed close behind with 24 institutes, 22 are there in Karnataka, 19 in Tamil Nadu and 1 in Uttar Pradesh.

In addition there are 21 fake universities in the country which have been identified by the University Grant Commission. The varsities have been found to violate the provisions of the UGC Act.

The HRD minister warned parents and students against taking admission in any of the fake varsities or colleges running unapproved courses as do the UGC and AICTE.

Alternates to MBA

University of Delhi, better known as DU, is definitely the most prestigious universities in the country today has started MFC(master in financial control) The MFC Programme seeks to equip a select group of students with conceptual and analytical skills for financial decision making. What sets this course apart from contemporary courses in the area of management is the balanced blend in various aspects of Finance. The students are provided with inputs in the basic areas of managerial decision-making such as Organizational Behaviour, Managerial Economics, Quantitative Techniques, Financial Accounting, Corporate Laws etc., as well as in different areas of finance such as Financial Management, Financial Services, International Finance, International Accounting, Investment Management, Project Appraisal etc.

Case Study: Ethitcal Dilemma

Topic -- A guy aditya started a company in some state,for that he had paid some amount to a political party. he got a good response in profit ,now he need to expand his work for that the he will have to pay more money to the political party.he would also be giving job to local people.

What he should do? should pay money to political party?

Making A US Dollar Draft

I had a tough time making a US Dollar draft to confirm my AIM admission. Few pointers to help people making the draft .

1. The Foreign exchange is open only till 3.30 pm, Do if you to bank around 3 or latter, don't accept to get the draft the same day.
2. Carry tour ID proof and College offer letter along with you.
3. Be ready to fill a 10+ page declaration/form.
4. Many branches don't have foriegn exchange, do call them and inquire before going, I had been to three banks before getting the correct branch.
5. Its better to get a draft from the bank in which you have account, the charges will be less. In ICICI bank they took 250+ S.T
6. Meet the bank manager directly, the work gets done faster.
Attaching a picture to help you understand better.

Get a good shutter

It is essential to deal with sunlight successfully, whether you want to protect the house from it or enhance its effects. Another thing to be said about sun is that its light varies in intensity during different times of day - less intense in the morning, blazing heat in the midday and quite strong until the dusk. 

But when your house is in the harsh climate all you think about is how to hide away from sun which is everywhere. Do not waste anytime, learned to use lot of materials to protect the house from the sun, such as glass of different colors and exterior shutters

This is why we should plan bedrooms and nurseries to face north-east, this way they would get most of the sun light in the mornings. Isn't it a great feeling to wake up to the first rays of morning sun? 

Glass of different colors blocks sun very well, exterior shutters around windows are also efficient and effective embrasures on the windows take all the heat so none enters the house. 
The website has many shutters like  Authentic Wood Shutters, Shutter Hardware, Mid-America Vinyl Shutters
 Atlantic Premium Composite Shutters, PlacerCraft Polymer Shutters, Rockbridge Composite Shutters,
 Dura-Prene Vinyl Shutters, Gable Vents / Louvers and
 Roof Cupolas . Please have a look at website an get the best shutter for your place.

Indian-American named Harvard B-school dean

An Indiaborn professor and IIT alumnus who has long championed a pledge for organizational leaders and managers on the lines of the Hippocra Oath for doctors to enhance accountability in the corporate world has been named dean of the prestigious Harvard Business School.
Nitin Nohria, 48, is the 10th Dean at Harvard Business School and the first Indian to head it in its 102-yr history 
Nohria did his BTech from IIT-Bombay in 1984, and got a PhD in management in 1988 from MIT’s Sloan School of management 

    Began teaching at HBS as asst prof in 1988, named Richard P Chapman Professor of Business Administration in 1999. Currently sr associate dean for faculty development and chair of organizational behaviour unit 
    Has co-written or co-edited 16 books, authored more than 50 articles. Interests include leadership and globalization. Has proposed Hippocratic Oath for business leaders

Case Study: Airline company

Topic : Deepti is a CEO of an airline company and has to cut downthe overhead costs.She has the following options to be presented to the finance department of the company.
1) Lay off 10% of the lower performers
2) Reduce Retirement Benefits by 30%
 3) Increase the shifts of employees by an hour
4) Cut Salary of employees by 10%

Q1 Which option would Deepti choose ?

Q2 Which option would draw the most -ve feedback ?

-----------------My points----------------

Costs that are not directly related directly to the type and quantity of products produced. A type of fixed cost.
Number of employees can be directly proptional to productivity,
Depends on overheads,if they have excess employees

 Then 1.If just costs thenReduce Retirement Benefits by 30% is the best option as it affects the morale of employees the least.

 Most -ve feedback is Lay off 10% of the lower performers

AIM GD/PI Experince

MY GD/PI experience
2:00 - 2:25 pm, 8th March 2010 GD
4:50 - 5:10 pm, 8th March 2010 Interview

Reached Taj by 1.30 pm, met the other 6 candidates Shresht, Gaurav, Rangarajan, Anmol and Rajeev
Horacio Borromeo had called us to a conference room , The room was very elegant . We were seated in order of the interview slots. He gave us a topic.

How does technological advancement change the workplace arrangement?

It was a different kind of GD. Horacio Borromeo was himself conducting the GD. In the sense, he gave us topic and gave us 10 min to make your points and then he will tell to start.
He told us to raise hand and then he will allow us to speak.
Initially I was seeing the person talking but everyone was looking at the proof seeking a chance to talk.in the GD I spoke for around 3-4 times.
Borromeo was trying to question our explanations, but the GD was very organized though we could not discuss many points.
Total GD was sharp 45 mins.
It was a very different kind of GD, Just be sure you have few points and you have enough to back it up.

PI was very normal.

As I entered he asked how did you think the GD went ?
I answered!

Do you think it was good.
I answered!

He asked about my work experience?
I answered!

How many team members I lead?
I answered!

He asked me how am I in maths?
I answered!

Do know financing and accounting?
I answered!

I had mentioned about weight loss in my essay, so he asked in details about the same?
I gave a long answer, which included my business plan, why mba and why AIM.

What you do in weekend?
I told I meet my friends and go to mosque .Do charity work. Sunday I rest and prepare myself for the next week.

Then he asked why u go to mosque only in weekends?
Explained the time constraint in weekday

He asked any questions?
I asked him when will the results come out?

He asked will you take a sabbatical?
I answered!

How will you finance?
I answered!

I have written a very brief experience but if you have any particular question please ping me, i am ready to help all the aspirants.

case study GD

Case: A sales guy drank a lot to entertain a client at a party and died in road accident after that. Some ppl in his company felt that since he was drinkin to make a sale for the company thus the company is also responsible, so the case was presented before the president of the compnay whether to discourage sales ppl frm drinkin to entertain clients evn if it meant a decline in sales figure for the company. If you were a management consultant what would you advice the president.

9.9 School of Convergence

9.9 School Of Convergence helps in pursuing a career in Journalism. I was really interested in the course “Diploma in Applied Journalism”. It is a unique one-year programme for postgraduates interested in a media career, which combines coursework on journalism and the media with a professional media internship.

It aims to equip aspiring journalists with the core skills required for success in their profession such as high-quality and consistent reporting, writing and editing skills. The industry is simply unable to match the quality seen in media products in the West, whether in print, TV or online. So there is lot of scope for this course. It is your preparation for a dynamic future in an industry that is going through change like never before. It is your hedge against an uncertain future. No one knows the profile of a journalist a few years down the line. But what everyone accepts is that the future is convergence – a meeting of the many formats of media.
Presently admission are open for this course that starts at September 20th in
9.9 School Of Convergence . Interested people can either download the application form the site
Or, collect it from their office.
There is 5 step admission procedures for each the deadline is given on their site.
The ‘Diploma in Applied Journalism’ is open to Students currently pursuing graduation/ post graduation in any discipline , Graduates from any discipline working people looking for a switch.
The classes will be a weekend affair with classes held on Sundays, so that it does not clash with academic or professional commitments
I believe its a great opportunity for people to start a career media, its a real challenging job and has a power to change things. For any queries regarding the course- admission process, fee etc.
contact 9.9 Media School of Convergence.

GMAT to set up offices in India soon

GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test) now plans to set up offices in India. It has asked the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for approval to establish a base here with significant investmenton the charts and this comes after a pick up in demand from India, making the country its biggest market.

letter of Intent for scholarship

Have you written letter of Intent for scholarship for Scholarship. Keep these 5 steps in mind

  1. Read the scholarship guidelines carefully. Make sure you know everything the committee wants you to include in your letter of intent. Check to see if there are any word or page limits.

  2. Step 2

    Follow the basic rules for writing a cover letter for a job or a business letter. Include your mailing address in the top left-hand corner of the letter. List the date under your return address, and then the person to whom you are addressing the letter and her street address under the date. A link to what these headings look like can be found in the Resources section. Address your letter to a specific person if possible.

  3. Step 3

    Begin the letter of intent with introducing what you plan to study in college and why it is important to your career field. For example, you could begin your letter of intent with a statement such as: "I am excited to pursue my love of teaching at Truman State University in Kirksville, Mo., in the fall. I plan to major in English during my undergraduate studies. As a graduate student, I will major in elementary education. I want to research ways to improve reading instruction in elementary classrooms." You are setting forth your college plans in a brief paragraph.

  4. Step 4

    Be as specific as you can, especially if you are applying for a graduate scholarship. If you know the universities you want to attend, mention these, as well as some of the faculty members you want to work with.

  5. Step 5

    Follow your college plans with a paragraph about your past school experiences, leadership qualities and experience and work in the field. Give the scholarship committee several examples of your dedication of pursuing a career. End your letter with your short-term and long-term career goals, such as: "After graduate school, I plan to teach in a public school in Missouri. I want to lead a committee at my school on improving students' reading comprehension. I plan to take leadership roles at the school. I want to have daily communication with the parents of my students because I believe strongly in the home-school connection for success in a child's education."

Online Group Discussion

Hi All MBA aspirants 2010,

All of us must have been done with the tests.now its time to prepare for GD and PI.

As lack of time for everyone. we have decided to conduct online GD today at 10 pm today .

The case study: Will be given at time when GD starts, Mainly case based.

where: Skype
My skype:arshadahmad83 (point of contact for all)

Download Link: Downloading Skype for Windows - Skype

Pre-requisite:256 kbps internet connection, Headphones with MIC

I would encourage you all to Participate from any location for AIM,manila or any other college.

Any doubts and suggestion please let me know in the comments.

SP Jain Ability Test

Just coming from SP Jain ability test. The exam came little different, Verbal ability was not there in place of that a logic reasoning came. It was a little confusing, It was about the combination of events in 5 clans. It was very confusing and wasted 5 minutes in the same.

The 6 section were
1. IQ
2. Numeracy
3.Logic Reasoning
6.Diagrammatic reasoning

Maths questions also came tough but managed to solve 7 out of 10. If there was more time could have done all.
My practice for IQ and diagrammatic representation helped me.

Hope I pass the percentile cut-off.Please leave a comment or mail me for more details of the paper.

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Vocab Power Updated Daily

  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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