
Twitter is an in thing now days. Twitter is a combination of these various forms of communication, but its primary difference is that posts, or tweets, are restricted to 140 characters or less. As a Twitter user you can post updates, follow and view updates from other users
The quantity of followers decides your importance, Following someone simply means receiving their Twitter updates.   When you follow someone, every time they post a new message, it will appear on your Twitter home page.  New messages are added to your home page as people post them, so you always get the updates in real time.  When you log in, you can see what the latest updates are.  Twitter offers other ways to follow people too: you can get updates from certain people on your phone!
 There is an easy way to get more Twitter followers; you put your Twitter user name on a twitter business card. I found a website that has custom business card backgrounds, which are professional and attractive. The custom backgrounds cover various types of businesses. I found one business card that would be ideal for a web designer.

Some of the other business cards on this site were those for an attorney, teacher, medical professional, and a mommy card, to mention only a few. I found these custom business backgrounds cards along with Christmas cards, wedding invitations and many more.
If you are in online business. Twitter is really important. You can share updates with your followers

Bye Bye 'Z'

Soon we will have 25 alphabets in english language. English alphabet will be lose Z on June 1st. The announcement came from the English Language Central Commission (ELCC).

After carefully considering and debating the matter for over two years, the ELCC came to the conclusion that the letter “Z” should be removed from the English alphabet. The main objective of this change is to simplify the phonetic aspect of the language, and to unify the American and British spellings.

What will happen to the words that have the letter “z” in them? It depends on the word. According to the ELCC, words that started with a “z” will now start with an “x”.

Examples include:
zero becomes xero

Words that featured a “z” with the “s” sound, on the other hand, will now be officially written with the “s” (i.e., unifying the American and British spelling).

Examples include:
visualize becomes visualise

Let this change bring in US and UK vocabulary more close.

MHRD identifies 201 including ISB,ICFAI institutes running unapproved courses

The Ministry of Human Resource and Development has identified 201 private management and technical education institutes in the country running unapproved courses, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal informed Lok Sabha.

As per the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) regulations all private technical and management institutions will have to obtain prior approval from the council before starting any new course or programme. However, contrary to the guidelines there are around 201 institutes in the country conducting unapproved courses.

Some of the top institutes running courses without prior approval from AICTE are: Indian School of Business, Hyderabad; ICFAI Business School, Delhi, Gurgaon and Chandigarh; Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon; Indian Institute of Planning and Management, Delhi; K R Mangalam Global Institute of Management, New Delhi; J K Business School Gurgaon; M B Birla Institute of Management Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore; and Sikkim Manipal University, Bangalore.

A state wise break-up of these institutes showed that Maharashtra had maximum number of such institutes, with a total of 74. Delhi followed close behind with 24 institutes, 22 are there in Karnataka, 19 in Tamil Nadu and 1 in Uttar Pradesh.

In addition there are 21 fake universities in the country which have been identified by the University Grant Commission. The varsities have been found to violate the provisions of the UGC Act.

The HRD minister warned parents and students against taking admission in any of the fake varsities or colleges running unapproved courses as do the UGC and AICTE.

Alternates to MBA

University of Delhi, better known as DU, is definitely the most prestigious universities in the country today has started MFC(master in financial control) The MFC Programme seeks to equip a select group of students with conceptual and analytical skills for financial decision making. What sets this course apart from contemporary courses in the area of management is the balanced blend in various aspects of Finance. The students are provided with inputs in the basic areas of managerial decision-making such as Organizational Behaviour, Managerial Economics, Quantitative Techniques, Financial Accounting, Corporate Laws etc., as well as in different areas of finance such as Financial Management, Financial Services, International Finance, International Accounting, Investment Management, Project Appraisal etc.

Case Study: Ethitcal Dilemma

Topic -- A guy aditya started a company in some state,for that he had paid some amount to a political party. he got a good response in profit ,now he need to expand his work for that the he will have to pay more money to the political party.he would also be giving job to local people.

What he should do? should pay money to political party?

Making A US Dollar Draft

I had a tough time making a US Dollar draft to confirm my AIM admission. Few pointers to help people making the draft .

1. The Foreign exchange is open only till 3.30 pm, Do if you to bank around 3 or latter, don't accept to get the draft the same day.
2. Carry tour ID proof and College offer letter along with you.
3. Be ready to fill a 10+ page declaration/form.
4. Many branches don't have foriegn exchange, do call them and inquire before going, I had been to three banks before getting the correct branch.
5. Its better to get a draft from the bank in which you have account, the charges will be less. In ICICI bank they took 250+ S.T
6. Meet the bank manager directly, the work gets done faster.
Attaching a picture to help you understand better.

Get a good shutter

It is essential to deal with sunlight successfully, whether you want to protect the house from it or enhance its effects. Another thing to be said about sun is that its light varies in intensity during different times of day - less intense in the morning, blazing heat in the midday and quite strong until the dusk. 

But when your house is in the harsh climate all you think about is how to hide away from sun which is everywhere. Do not waste anytime, learned to use lot of materials to protect the house from the sun, such as glass of different colors and exterior shutters

This is why we should plan bedrooms and nurseries to face north-east, this way they would get most of the sun light in the mornings. Isn't it a great feeling to wake up to the first rays of morning sun? 

Glass of different colors blocks sun very well, exterior shutters around windows are also efficient and effective embrasures on the windows take all the heat so none enters the house. 
The website has many shutters like  Authentic Wood Shutters, Shutter Hardware, Mid-America Vinyl Shutters
 Atlantic Premium Composite Shutters, PlacerCraft Polymer Shutters, Rockbridge Composite Shutters,
 Dura-Prene Vinyl Shutters, Gable Vents / Louvers and
 Roof Cupolas . Please have a look at website an get the best shutter for your place.

Indian-American named Harvard B-school dean

An Indiaborn professor and IIT alumnus who has long championed a pledge for organizational leaders and managers on the lines of the Hippocra Oath for doctors to enhance accountability in the corporate world has been named dean of the prestigious Harvard Business School.
Nitin Nohria, 48, is the 10th Dean at Harvard Business School and the first Indian to head it in its 102-yr history 
Nohria did his BTech from IIT-Bombay in 1984, and got a PhD in management in 1988 from MIT’s Sloan School of management 

    Began teaching at HBS as asst prof in 1988, named Richard P Chapman Professor of Business Administration in 1999. Currently sr associate dean for faculty development and chair of organizational behaviour unit 
    Has co-written or co-edited 16 books, authored more than 50 articles. Interests include leadership and globalization. Has proposed Hippocratic Oath for business leaders

Case Study: Airline company

Topic : Deepti is a CEO of an airline company and has to cut downthe overhead costs.She has the following options to be presented to the finance department of the company.
1) Lay off 10% of the lower performers
2) Reduce Retirement Benefits by 30%
 3) Increase the shifts of employees by an hour
4) Cut Salary of employees by 10%

Q1 Which option would Deepti choose ?

Q2 Which option would draw the most -ve feedback ?

-----------------My points----------------

Costs that are not directly related directly to the type and quantity of products produced. A type of fixed cost.
Number of employees can be directly proptional to productivity,
Depends on overheads,if they have excess employees

 Then 1.If just costs thenReduce Retirement Benefits by 30% is the best option as it affects the morale of employees the least.

 Most -ve feedback is Lay off 10% of the lower performers

AIM GD/PI Experince

MY GD/PI experience
2:00 - 2:25 pm, 8th March 2010 GD
4:50 - 5:10 pm, 8th March 2010 Interview

Reached Taj by 1.30 pm, met the other 6 candidates Shresht, Gaurav, Rangarajan, Anmol and Rajeev
Horacio Borromeo had called us to a conference room , The room was very elegant . We were seated in order of the interview slots. He gave us a topic.

How does technological advancement change the workplace arrangement?

It was a different kind of GD. Horacio Borromeo was himself conducting the GD. In the sense, he gave us topic and gave us 10 min to make your points and then he will tell to start.
He told us to raise hand and then he will allow us to speak.
Initially I was seeing the person talking but everyone was looking at the proof seeking a chance to the GD I spoke for around 3-4 times.
Borromeo was trying to question our explanations, but the GD was very organized though we could not discuss many points.
Total GD was sharp 45 mins.
It was a very different kind of GD, Just be sure you have few points and you have enough to back it up.

PI was very normal.

As I entered he asked how did you think the GD went ?
I answered!

Do you think it was good.
I answered!

He asked about my work experience?
I answered!

How many team members I lead?
I answered!

He asked me how am I in maths?
I answered!

Do know financing and accounting?
I answered!

I had mentioned about weight loss in my essay, so he asked in details about the same?
I gave a long answer, which included my business plan, why mba and why AIM.

What you do in weekend?
I told I meet my friends and go to mosque .Do charity work. Sunday I rest and prepare myself for the next week.

Then he asked why u go to mosque only in weekends?
Explained the time constraint in weekday

He asked any questions?
I asked him when will the results come out?

He asked will you take a sabbatical?
I answered!

How will you finance?
I answered!

I have written a very brief experience but if you have any particular question please ping me, i am ready to help all the aspirants.

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Vocab Power Updated Daily

  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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