CAT 2012 1 week Analysis

According to Vinayak Kudva, product head, IMS Learning, the paper has been following a set pattern over the past few days. “There were no big surprises in the exam pattern. The Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation section was of easy to moderate difficulty level. The Verbal Ability section was unpredictable. It was lengthy and difficult, especially the three reading comprehension passages took a long time to read. Candidates’ time management skill was put to test,”

Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

Algebra and functions formed a major part of the Quant section. The other topics were trigonometry, mensuration, number system, P&C and geometry. Questions on data interpretation were moderate to easy in nature. Overall, the paper was good and balanced.

Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning

This section was difficult and lengthy. In verbal ability, there were para jumbles, sentence completion, sentence correction, fill in the blanks and vocabulary. The highlight of the section was passages. There were three passages, of which two were lengthy and took a long time to read. Questions asked from the passages were also indirect. Questions like what was the tone of the author, theme of the paragraph, etc were common features like the past six days.

Logical reasoning questions were difficult and calculation intensive.

Ref: Mbauniverse

3 phases of career

Majority of professional careers can be broken into three discrete phases: the “Promise Phase,” the “Momentum Phase,” and the “Harvest Phase.” Unless you are a founder/entrepreneur, how highly you are valued in each stage is a function of two distinct but related sources of value – the value of your potential and the value of your experience. Understanding how the mixture of potential and experiential value shifts over each of the phases will give you powerful insights into what you can do to maximize your career success.

The Promise Phase. At the beginning of your career, your value is almost entirely dependent on your potential — what you will be able to contribute to the organization in the future. The first five or seven years of your career constitute The Promise Phase. When you get a job fresh out of college or in the early years, the basis of your value is primarily determined by your natural talents, your intellect, your ability to work in teams, your ambition, you enthusiasm, and the like. These aspects are how hiring managers and bosses evaluate you - on your potential.

The Momentum Phase. As the early years of your career unfold and you start to gain more professional experience, your success is determined less and less by your potential and more and more by the actual experience and expertise that you develop. As a more senior executive, your success becomes much more dependent on your track record. This is the flywheel of your career that we call the Momentum Phase. If you are a marketing executive, this is your experience building brands, managing new product introductions, advertising campaigns, creating and optimizing customer segmentations, building social media campaigns, and opening up new channels for customer acquisition. If you are a finance executive, this is your track record managing the preparation of financial statements, taking a company public, establishing banking relationships, managing risk, and leading acquisitions. The more experience of these sorts you have in your area of expertise, the more you will be valued by your current organization and of course by others seeking to recruit executives.

The Harvest Phase. At some point in the Momentum Phase, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, there comes a point where careers begin to diverge. Some individuals manage to keep developing personally and professionally, moving into new positions or redefining their existing roles. Many others, however, start to fade. They get passed over for new opportunities or find themselves in a rut. Even though they might be doing what they have always done and doing it well, their careers seem to be headed south or on an inexorable march towards retirement. Those who are able to move successfully into the final, or Harvest Phase of their careers with ever-increasing levels of success do so by discovering ways to apply their experiences to new situations. This is the CEO who becomes an operating partner in a private equity firm overseeing portfolio companies, the accounting partner who builds a portfolio of corporate board directorships and audit committee chairs, or the top corporate executive who mentors entrepreneurs … or maybe even becomes one her/himself.

Understanding how careers really work, how you are valued, what is expected of you, and what you need to deliver at each stage will help you progress on your career trajectory.   Source: James M. Citrin

Leadership and Corporate Accountability—India (LCAI)

Harvard Business School(HBS) announces Leadership and Corporate Accountability—India (LCAI) on September 26, a new programme scheduled from November 19 to 22, 2012 at the HBS style classroom at Taj Lands End, Mumbai as part of its executive education programme portfolio for India.

Leadership and Corporate Accountability - India is an interdisciplinary programme, which will examine the dynamic and ever-evolving role of accountability in 21st century Indian corporations. Led by renowned professor Rohit Deshpande (faculty chair of Leadership and Corporate Accountability-India), who helped design and teach the required MBA course on this topic at Harvard Business School, the programme will provide business leaders with a hands-on framework for promoting socially and financially responsible corporate conduct, in the Indian environment of heightened competition and accountability. Rohit says, "The Leadership and Corporate Accountability - India programme emerged as a response to the internal and external governance challenges facing business leaders globally. The program will prepare participants for leadership in a changing global society. They will return with an understanding of values, incentives and risk management systems."

Finding happiness the MBA way

Students are increasingly seeing a stint at business school as more about personal fulfilment than giving their careers a boost, especially if it means putting something into their communities.

Read on :

College Focus: Insead Singapore

With economic prospects bleak in North America and Europe, an increasing number of aspiring business leaders are choosing to get their M.B.A.s in faster-moving Asian markets.

Insead’s Singapore campus, established in the wealthy city-state in 2000, is benefiting from this bump in demand, with more than 400 M.B.A. students from more than 50 countries currently enrolled in the 10-month program—one class will graduate in December 2012 and another in July 2013. In its inaugural year, the M.B.A. enrolled 53 students from 26 countries.

Insead also operates executive M.B.A., specialized master’s, PhD and non-degree executive education programs in Singapore.

Asian Institute of Management Advert

Evolution of CAT

The Common Admission Test (CAT) could arguably be recognised as the most discriminatory management entrance exam in the world, an identity which resonates well since this exam is a prerequisite for admission into the most prestigious of Indian management schools led by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs).

First developed by the IIMs over 36 years ago as a paper-based test, the CAT has undergone numerous changes over the years, from the introduction of multiple-choice questions to optical machine reading of answer sheets. With the number of CAT aspirants having grown beyond 2 lakh, continuing in the paper-based format on a single day each year would have become unsustainable from an administrative perspective.

Read On:

Indians top global demand for MBAs

After long time, the full-time MBA programme and its other variants are back in demand globally. A large slice of this growth comes from India and China, where colleges have recorded an increase in applications.

In India, 83% of GMAT score-accepting MBA programmes surveyed reported an increase in applications as did 80% colleges in China. Specialised MBA courses that attract undergraduate students and those with less than a year's work experience are also in demand.   Read on:

Admissions staffers -> Admit consultants

Recently, plenty of B-school admissions staffers have turned into admit consultants, similar to the hordes of legislative aides who later become lobbyists on Capitol Hill.

Read on :

XAT, IRMA 2013 change entrance test pattern

While XAT now has an additional section on 'general awareness', IRMA has refreshed the pattern with more weightage given to English and analytical reasoning.
With so many exams, it becomes tough for a student to concentrate on tests. The best thing would be to concentrate on CAT this november. This covers almost all part of the test.  They can learn specific contents for the test latter

For more information:

Advise to AIM interviewees

Professor Borommeo had listed few advices for all interviewees in India.

1. When interviewing candidates for our MBA, the first thing we want to see is whether two years down the road you can make a good first impression on a recruiter for a top multinational bank, consulting firm, FMCG, or manufacturer. Good grooming counts a lot towards making that first impression. Look fresh, like you just had a shower. Dress as if you’re applying for an investment-banking job in New York or Singapore. But wear your necktie properly. Get a haircut. You don’t need a manicure but your nails should be clean. Socks should match your suit and your shoes. They should cover your legs when you sit, and not sag. Shoes should not be dusty, muddy, or scuffed. Ladies should go for the “executive” look. Skirt or pants, blazer over white blouse, always works.

2. Arriving late for an interview is definitely bad form. It says you can’t plan ahead. Besides, all that running and huffing and puffing will make you sweat buckets, especially in Mumbai heat. That will ruin your appearance (see Item 1 above). But arriving too early (poor planning again?) can also be inconvenient for your interviewer unless you can stay out of sight, and out of his/her way, especially if s/he is busy having breakfast/lunch, or still preparing for the interview session.

3. Patience is a virtue.

Please mail me for the full interview report.

Harvard Business School opens in India

HBS today announced the launch of the new amphitheater-style classroom, built and owned by the Taj Lands End, owned by the Indian Hotels Limited. The new space replicates the classrooms on the School's Boston campus, giving participants and students a true Harvard Business School case method learning experience, for the first time in India. The launch of the classroom kicks off with a series of activities including research conferences and executive education programs. This is the latest milestone in the School's deepening engagement in India that over the last decade has produced a growing body of research on Indian companies and management practices.

HBS has historically strong ties to India through its faculty, students, and alumni. Over the last decade, HBS professors began traveling to India for research and teaching with increasing frequency.

Harvard Business School has historically strong ties to India through its faculty, students, and alumni. Over the last decade, HBS professors began traveling to India for research and teaching with increasing frequency.

MBA popularity increase in Asia

Economic growth in Asia has spurred a wave of eager young workers to pursue MBAs, a wellspring that has drawn interest from the world's top business schools and burnished the reputation of Asian institutions offering business classes.

In 2010, business schools in Asia received almost 43,100 GMAT score reports from prospective students, more than double the amount in 2007, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administers the test.

Almost 1 out of 3 people who sat for the business school entrance exam last year came from Asia, up from 25% four years earlier. And, the share of the Asian test-takers who are women is fast approaching 50%.

"Demand is coming from both sides," said Insead Dean Dipak Jain. "Companies are asking for well-qualified MBAs and students are also thinking that an MBA would be a good way to get a job."

The strength of the Asian economy has also drawn MBA candidates from outside the region. Almost 900 U.S. residents sent GMAT scores to Asian institutions last year. Insead tries to manage applications so that no more than 10% of its students hail from a single country.

Telephonic Interview

Digital marketinng Course

Programs details

Conquer the digital marketing frontier and get the technical know-how of digital advertising. Learn how to utilise the digital advertising channels better and increase your engagement with your audience.

Program Highlights

Industry-recognised three-week program.

Blend of instructor-led classes with case studies, projects and assignments.

Learn from the industry's leading experts and practitioners.

Certified by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) & NIIT Imperia.

350+ professionals already trained in this program.


Marketers who want to use digital media to improve their business' performance.

Professionals keen on career opportunities available in the eMarketing domain.

For more Info

Resume Writing Tips

I came accross this usefull article from sandboxadvisors for resume writing. Attractive resume helps you get an interview call.

How To Write A Resume That WOOs Recruiters – Describing Your Job Responsibilities & Achievements

Beyond Conventional Education

These are two centers near my residence in ranchi, These centers offer vocational training and students after completing their 10th class. I have shared their contact details below

GM advance commerce classes
c.a maker institute
under guidance of  teacher with 10 years CA experience

Near Alam nursing home ranchi
Government registered organization
Contact No.- 9204480941

Almanar Vocational Training Center
Indira Gandhi Open University, meghalaya

offers many computer courses (PGDCA, PGDIT, ADCA) and coaching classes,
Contact No.- 9031303853

IIM's Placement Season

From news article, it looks like the main aim for IIMs are to give jobs to all its students.  Seeing the will market condition currently, they have contacted lateral placement agaency to help place their students.

These agencies will work independently. The top recruiter was CBC. The average salary for 2011 was 14 lakhs in 2011, up 27 % on previous’s level of 11 lakhs. The placement season is January and febuary.

Bschool Circulum out of sync

Many ivy league bschools have revamped thier MBA courses. After 2008 sub prime crisis, finance has gone through immense change. There is a more conservative approach and less overexposure of capital.

Many bschools are also including sustainibility and capatilism 3.0, inclusive growth in thier syllabus. Indian schools are also bridging the gap between class room and real world.

IIM director says change is not possible over night. Many student come thier to get placed in top IB's and cosulting companies and they try to carter to thier needs. But change is coming, many other top bschool are imparting leadership traits and developing self  analysis.

AIM, manila has case based method class room, 80 % of classes are discussion. Their also real simulation for strategy, marketing and operations. AIM also encourages student to attend seminars on CSR. It keeps innovating on its course structure to provide better material to students. AIM also forces to self-study.

Indian bschools need to follow such institues to provide a wholistic learning.

Indians prospering in American Bschools

These are some Indians who are deans in major american B schools.

Soumitra Dutta- Dean of Ivy league Cornell University

Sunil Kumar- chicago Booth school of business

Nitin Nohria- Harvard

Dipak jain- INSEAD

The late CK Prahlad of Ross school of business is recognized for his management theory. The reasons why Indian are prospering are proficiency in english, maths and flexibility to achieve goals in unorganized environment. Most of them are IITians and entrepreneurial mindset.

Coupons for Techies

Since my college days I am fan of Apple product, I have been using apple products since then, My sister had gifted me ipod touch . I really loved the wifi connectivity and user interface. I used appstore actively.
I have bought many accessories for apple and it really cost me a lot of money. While surfing the internet I came across a very good website about apple products coupon.

There are more than 30 coupons. It also gives you instant Apple Store promotion codes and ensure that you save lot of money. The website is, it has a facebook fan page with more than 7400 likes.

There are two types of coupon
1. Apple store- when you get discount on purchases of product.
2. Apple store online – where you can get discount to access millions of aps.

Some coupons give free home delivery.  For all apple fans this is a must see website. You will surely save lots of money in this.  The website will give yoy direct link to buy the products. 

This site is not just about apple, they have many other coupons for dell , office-depot and vista prints.

They have many categories as food, style and Books. Have a great saving experience with geekalert!

Manage Complaints and Reviews

Complains and reviews are very important to any company. Before a consumer buys any products, he surely googles it.If the search gives some negative review about the product he will surely stop his purchase.

marcus evans organizes many events and tell how to manage reviews and complains. Companies need to also take constant feedback from their customers and innovate. This is what many successfull companies have done like Apple, Sony, Samsung etc

This website is good for all manages who want to expand thier business. You might have heard of marcus evans, it is one of the world's leading providers and promoters of global summits strategic conferences, in-Company training, professional training, business-to-business congresses, on-line information and sports hospitality.

You can also contact them for testimonials. In there website they have share success stories for their events. Your business can surely benefit from these events. It will surely help you in managing complains of your customers and get you more business.

There are many website mis informing about the ways to handle customer, once you have a bad Image it is tough to get back the image. For a small company image can be affected very easily. Do have a look at Marcus Evans Complaints website.

Manage Complaints and Reviews

Complains and reviews are very important to any company. Before a consumer buys any products, he surely googles it.If the search gives some negative review about the product he will surely stop his purchase.

marcus evans organizes many events and tell how to manage reviews and complains. Companies need to also take constant feedback from their customers and innovate. This is what many successfull companies have done like Apple, Sony, Samsung etc

This website is good for all manages who want to expand thier business. You might have heard of marcus evans, it is one of the world's leading providers and promoters of global summits strategic conferences, in-Company training, professional training, business-to-business congresses, on-line information and sports hospitality.

You can also contact them for testimonials. In there website they have share success stories for their events. Your business can surely benefit from these events. It will surely help you in managing complains of your customers and get you more business.

There are many website mis informing about the ways to handle customer, once you have a bad Image it is tough to get back the image. For a small company image can be affected very easily. Do have a look at Marcus Evans Complaints website.

Smartphone to boast healthcare

Smartphone are becoming very advanced, mHealth is one of the latest innovation which will help in the medical field.

Contents of Handheld device
1.Processor fast
2.Big display for ultrasound that can capture cells
4.Accelorometer to guide physical therapy and exercises
5.Microphone that can hear heart.

There are many apps currently in andriod and apple market that can help doctors. This can also help

in home medication, currently Labs are coming at doorsteps and doing all the tests and ECG. Then

sending the reports to concerned doctor at a click.

More info:



Asian Institute of Management Dormitory

As the MBA 2013 batch would be awaiting their interview call now, I would like to write a post of the dormitory at AIM, manila. It has 6 floors, 5 for boys and 1 for ladies. Each floor has 6 rooms. Each room is like a flat without kitchen and bathroom. There is a common study area for 6 students and 2 rooms on each side with  3 beds.


Wash Basin in room between the cabinets

Open Cabinet

Close View Cabinet

                                                              Other 2 beds in the room

Study Area

Study Area- tables

The 6th floor Lobby

Room View from the Lobby

Black Board in study area

There is a common Restroom and a pantry area. There is 24 hours wifi, but the signals are real week and when there is load it becomes real slow. The Dormitory is clean. Personally, I really loved the dormitory and had a great time. When you arrive at AIM, you will get a student book. Please read it carefully and don't break the rules. Will write more about it in my next post.

IIM Results 2012 Unpredictable.

Most students and heads of coaching institutes were disappointed with the results which, they said, were extremely unpredictable.

The paper based cat was much better in this sense,  the coaching centers like TIME and Career Launchers would come up with cut-offs just few hours after CAT exams .  There predictions were some what current and students can expect from the result.

The computer system surprises many students as they don't know how they have performed until the results.  IIMs should design some way the students can get result instantly like in GMAT.

Linkedin: Power of Networking

LinkedIn is a large social network for businesses and individual professionals. Employers are checking linkedin profile of candidates before hiring.

LinkedIn was founded in May of 2003 by Jean-Luc Vaillant, Reid Hoffman and Konstantin Guericke. 
There are about 120 million user of Linkedin and 1 million+ company profile.

Now you can apply for jobs on Linkedin itself. Linkedin has recently listed in NYSE, and it was one of the  great est ecommerce IPO.

Forum to complain is a very good forum to complain about any services in India. Many companies are cheating customers. Customers don’t know how to register a case against them. This forum can bring people who have complains closer and if they have same complains they can do a case against the company.

The forum also will give idea about details to register a complain in consumer court. The forum has threads for various categories like Business, broadband,  Finance, Automobile, computer & accessories, education , entertainment & recreation , courier , food & beverage and government services.

When a person goes through the forum he can become aware. I would recommend all Indians to visit this forum. Do remember when you want to register a complain against any company, have a look at this consumer forum for that category. This will give you an idea of complains, and if a person has already complained about the product, he can add to that post too. He can find friends to make a group and go agianst a company. It is a old saying ‘Customers are Kings’. They should act like one and take action against companies who try to cheat them.

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Vocab Power Updated Daily

  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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