international immersion a waste in PGPX

How would a five-day international immersion (involving 18 hours of teaching) and a four-week student-industry interface help someone with 10+ years of experience.

The effectiveness of student-industry interface programmes has also been questioned by the alumni. “With the relatively low level of engagement institutes have with industry, they find it difficult to support students and help find them projects in industries where the students aspire to make a switch. International immersion also does not seem to add much value. Sometimes, universities that B-schools tie up with are not globally renowned. So it turns out to be a waste of students’ time and money.


My friend has recently joined GEMS B SCHOOL. It is conceived by experienced academicians and inspired by accomplished professionals, is a mission initiated with the exclusive purpose of "Igniting Excellence" in young minds. Its focus is on creating leaders and not just developing managers. Its vision is to elevate the standards of management education with a curriculum that is robust, content rich and industry relevant.

The Courses and methodology are designed to be student friendly and at the same time matching global standards. GEMS B SCHOOL's strategic alliance with UK Universities and synergy with corporates enables students to have an internationally acclaimed post graduate degree/diploma fortified with real time industry exposure. Its campus, located in the heart of Bangalore city, amidst sylvan surroundings, in the precincts of the Bangalore palace, offers an un-paralleled ambience which is stimulating and soothing. Studying here is going to be an experience of a life time.

They have a unique program of working full time and doing MBA in weekends.

School Url:

Many US universities are waste of money

Spending as much as $250,000 on a bachelors degree from world-renowned US universities such as Harvard University and Yale is a waste of money.

the cost of a 4-year degree has doubled in real dollars compared to a generation ago. But education, they say, has not become twice as good as many colleges lost their focus.

the tragedy of US universities is how many graduates now have six-figure loans, doled out with little regard to the students' ability to repay them

Another Indian named Chicago Bussiness School Dean

Sunil Kumar is dean of Booth School of Bussiness.

IIM students flooded with pre-placement offers

PPOs are pouring in at IIMs just a month after their students completed the internship. In a few cases, the students received offers even before the completion of internship. Some students are happy with the PPOs and are planning to give their final placement a skip as of now.

Pre-Placement Offers and Pre-Placement Interviews are pouring into IIMs with barely a month of completion of internship

Duration of internship ranges anywhere between 8 and 10 weeks .Students across IIMs returned to campus by mid-June .PPOs look healthy and promising compared to previous year

ISB forms 'Ivy League' with 3 Asian B-schools

The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, has tied-up with three top Asian B-schools to devise a strategy to attract more students from the United States, Canada  and Europe.

Along with the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China Europe International Business School, and Nanyang Technological University, ISB officials will jointly market the potential of studying management in Asia to Western students. All four B-schools, including ISB, feature among the top 30 in the Financial Times (London [ Images ]) rankings of the Top 100 Business Schools in the world.

Need a bedroom dresser?

It's Sunday once again, and the best thing to do first before enjoying the comforts of my bedroom is to clean all the dirt  that has piled up during the weekdays especially our bedroom dressers. With three, busy kids who go to college, our bedrooms can easily be disorganized. They always end up looking like an unruly mess, particularly our cloths. Whew, you could just imagine what a sight it makes! It is as if a hurricane just passed our room leaving no mercy to those who came her way.


process of getting Attestation

The process of getting Attestation at bangalore

1. So now you have got your PCC, the next step is attesttaion. go to MS building 1 , 1st floor 4 th room from the right.

2. Get a form from them for attestion.

3. Fill the form and go to MS building 5, bangalore one and do the payment of 105 Rs

4. get back the filled form and recipt to same place of step 1 and submot the same. He will give you a filled form in kannada and pcc.

5. Submit this copy at passport office koromongala.Everything will be done at enquiry counter itself, This is a lenghty process as you know the rush there. keep 5 hrs for this work. They will confirm that the pcc you submit is original.

6. after 7-10 days go to MS building room no. 224 and collect your attested PCC.

if any speciific doubt get in touch with me.

IIM Ranchi Classes started this week

The much-awaited classes of the first batch of the Indian Institute of Management-Ranchi (IIM-Ranchi) will start Wednesday.

The IIM-Ranchi was inaugurated by Jharkhand Governor M.O.H. Farook Tuesday evening.

The classes will begin at Soochna Bhavan, a five-storey building of the information and public relations department here.

Besides the governor, IIM-Kolkata Director Shekhar Chaudhary and senior government officials were present at the inauguration.

Economics by Paul A. Samuelson and William Nordhaus

Economics by Paul A. Samuelson and William Nordhaus is a very good text on the basic principles of Economics, particulary of microeconomics and macroeconomics. The explanations and graphics are very good. It is recommended by many MBA students.

Download the book here

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  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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