28/08 CR

The United Nations General Assembly term runs from September to January. The greatest part of this time is taken up with useless chatter. Delegates debate endlessly, never arriving at decisions. The delegate from each and every 300-square-mile archipelago in the South Pacific must make a lengthy presentation on every topic that reaches the floor, yet almost no attention is paid to solving practical problems that are actually capable of being solved.

The author's argument is based on which one of the following assumptions?

a.The purpose of the General Assembly is to deal with specific practical problems.

b.Too many small states with insignificant problems are members of the General Assembly.

c.If the General Assembly spent less time debating, it would devote most of its attention to providing relief for famine areas.

d.The term of the General Assembly is too short for any important work to be accomplished

e.Members of the General Assembly who are from large countries tend to concentrate more on global issues, rather than on minor topics

answer and explanation in comments

return on investment of MBA

How much return on investment can students really expect from their hard-ruppees , pounds or euros? And are the cost increases of recent years really justified?
Rose Martinelli, an associate dean at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, makes the point that it is not just the cost of receiving business education which has risen, it is also the cost of providing it. She makes the case that MBA programmes are now much more resource-driven than they were a decade ago, citing a new career-management centre, more teaching facilities, increased use of technology and greater use of mentoring and coaching as examples at her own school.
It’s a valid argument. A pre-dotcom MBA student dropped into a present day programme would barely recognise his pampered, modern-day colleague. And one other expensive feature that might come as a surprise would be the sheer diversity of the class. Ten years ago even the more international programmes drew most of their participants from the host country, with the balance largely recruited elsewhere in the developed West. Now schools spend large sums touring the world to promote their wares on every continent but Antarctica.
Furthermore, working out the return on investment an MBA programme can deliver has always been challenging. Most rankings focus on shorter-term benefits such as the difference between pre- and post-programme earnings. However, in recent years the popularity of the qualification has allowed top schools to cherry-pick the very best candidates, candidates who, in most cases, are already high earners. As a result, the immediate effect on earning power diminishes and so too does the perception of value for money.
Perhaps the only way that the true return on an MBA can be measured is by looking at its effect over the course of five or even ten years. This may seem a leap of faith—especially right now—but students can take heart by examining the careers of successful alumni. And then the rising cost of the MBA experience may not seem so daunting after all.

Refernce: economist

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GMAT CR Challenger 16/08

The number of young adults that are illiterate has dropped significantly in a certain county over the last fifteen years. Education officials attribute this decrease entirely to improved conditions in the schools, which made for a better teaching environment, reducing the level of illiteracy.Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the education officials’ explanation for the lower incidence of the disease?
A) Many similar improvements in school conditions have been made over the last twenty-five years in the county.
B) Home-schooling has not been more prevalent among the illiterate as compared to people who are not illiterate.
C) Because of a new assessment scale, many people who until this year would have been considered illiterate are now considered low-level readers.
D) The same percentage of the population has been tested every year for the last 30 years.
E) The conditions in the schools were brought up to the standards of the neighboring counties twenty years ago

answer and explanation in comments

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GMAT OG 12 RC Review

The changeover to the 12th edition, 45 problems and 7 passages were removed, leaving 113 repeated problems and 20 passages (including all Diagnostic problems and passages). 43 problems and 7 passages were then added, bringing the total to 156 questions and 27 passages—almost exactly the same as in the 11th edition

As in the 11th edition, GMAC clearly caps its word limit for Reading Comprehension passages at 350 words, whereas in the past, passages could extend as long as 460 words. The takeaway? Look for shorter, denser passages and an increasing emphasis on unique question types that require less of a "word search" technique, and more of a nuanced understanding of what is being asked. Slightly more than 10% of the 12th edition's Reading Comprehension questions fit the "Function" variety taught in Veritas Prep classes, in which the reason why the author cites a specific detail is of prime importance, not just the detail itself. Our analysis confirms that the proprietary Veritas Prep STOP strategy is the perfect strategic approach to attaining Reading comprehension mastery. STOP emphasizes a structural understanding of each passage, helping the test-taker deduce the author's intent and more quickly identify where pertinent details will appear. Furthermore, nearly half of the Reading Comprehension questions in the 12th edition fit into Critical Reasoning-style categories, reaffirming the value of the logical approach introduced in "Arguments", the opening lesson of the Veritas Prep program.
Reference : Veritas Prep


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I believe its a great oppurtunity for people to start a career media, its a real challenging job and has a power to change things. For any queries regarding the course- admission process, fee etc. contact 9.9 Media School of Convergence.

CR in Official Guide 12 Review

Critical Reasoning
In the Critical Reasoning section, nearly 1/3 of the published questions fit into "Advanced Applications" as introduced in the Veritas Prep "Critical Reasoning 2" lesson. These categories (e.g. "Assumption" or "Useful to Evaluate") feature convoluted question stems and require specific strategies to successfully solve the most difficult problems. In many cases, these questions closely parallel the advanced Logical Reasoning questions featured on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), thus students can make good use of the logic training in the Veritas Prep "Arguments" lesson and subsequent Critical Reasoning lessons. For several years, Veritas Prep has hypothesized that, in order to make the GMAT verbal section more challenging, GMAC would adopt more advanced Critical Reasoning questions like those found on the LSAT. The new questions featured in the 12th edition support that hypothesis, and demonstrate the value of the increasing emphasis that we place on these advanced topics in our prep materials.

Official Guide 12 Is it worth?

I just glanced through the OG12 at LandMark and practically saw the same problems as the ones in OG 11, especially in Quant. It's probably not worth purchasing the OG12 if you have the Orange book.

I would say that about 60-65% is old content and the format/layout/etc. has not changed. Entire sections are complete copy and paste. There really aren't any new type of questions that I have seen.

The 12th edition, in which approximately 2/3 of the questions are identical to those in the 11th edition, remains what GMAC has always intended it to be – a resource of official, retired questions for potential test-takers to use as part of their preparation regimen.
I would suggest to finish OG11 comfortably with high accuracy then go ahead with OG 12.

SP Jain Dubai/Singapore College Focus

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Happy Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is based on an ancient legend. The legend goes that the gods were having a war with the demons.

The god Indra got help from his wife. She tied a piece of silk around his wrist to ward off the evil demons. With the silk around his wrist, Indra beat back the devils and got back his home in the heavens. The practice of Raksha Bandhan was also conspicuous with the Rajputs and history is replete with instances related to the significance of this tradition. At the time of war when the brave Rajput soldiers prepared to go to the battlefield, the women folk followed the ritual of tying a thread around their wrist after applying a dash of vermilion powder on their forehead.

This was considered a sign of good omen and the ladies believed that it would protect their men from the enemy's blow and bring them victory.

Indian history is witness to many instances, especially among the Rajputs and Marathas, of Hindu Queens sending rakhis (colourful silken bracelets embellished with beads, semi precious stones, to tie on wrists) to Muslim Kings seeking their protection. Despite conflicting beliefs and religions, the Kings honoured the rakhi and came to the rescue.

The festival derives its significance and meaning today from several historical incidents too. The oldest anecdote goes back to 300 BC when Alexander of Macedonia invaded the Indian sub-continent with a large and powerful army on horse-back. A major battle with king Puru, ruler of Western India, so unnerved him that his beloved decided to do something about it. She had come to know about the Indian festival of Raksha Bandhan. She sought an audience with the great Indian warrior Puru and begged to be accepted as his sister. Puru in a brotherly gesture extended his hand and the Greek lady put a raakhi on it. Puru in return promised not to harm Alexander.
A well-known incident is about queen Karmawati of Chittor. When the king of Gujarat attacked, the widow queen knew she wont be able to save the honour of the womenfolk. She immediately despatched a horse-rider with a bejewelled raakhi to Mughal emperor Humayun in Agra seeking protection from the invader. Humayun was so touched by this appeal of sisterly sentiment that he lost no time in rushing to her help with a large army.

But it was too late by the time he reached Chittor. All he found was the burning pyres of the brave queen and thousands of women.

Today, Hindu girls with brothers give them special bracelets woven of silk (called rakhi) on this day. The rakhi are made of red and gold thread. They are a symbol of the bond between brothers and sisters. When the sisters give their brothers the rakhis, they give them candy to eat as well. The brothers give their sisters little gifts in return.

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  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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