New york Trip

Besides the urban allure, culture, and shopping of Manhattan, much of New York State is still, in many ways, waiting to be discovered on a grand scale. The state is endowed with outstanding beauty and diversity of scenery from one end to the other. Although New Yorkers have long vacationed in the Catskill and Adirondack mountains, and at Long Island beaches, most have seen too little of the state between its tourist bookends, New York City and Niagara Falls. The historic Hudson Valley, a majestic river lined with elegant estates, is finally positioning itself as a destination, not just a day trip from the city. The great wilderness of the Adirondack and Catskill mountains is magnificent for outdoors and sporting vacations, but those spots are also home to the easygoing charms of small towns. The pristine glacial-lake beauty and outstanding wineries of the Finger Lakes make it one of the state's most spectacular, yet lesser-known destinations. And Long Island is home to splendid sandy Atlantic Ocean beaches, but also the gulf of New York economic extremes, ranging from blue-collar immigrant enclaves to palatial summer homes in the Hamptons.
Planning a trip to a state as large and diverse as New York involves a lot of decision making, so in this post we've tried to give some good New York Hotels.
Its a great place to visit.

PCC- Step by Step Method

Here are steps to get a PCC at bangalore

1. Register 

2.Fill form online

3.upload supporting document.Passport 1st and last page signed and scanned. There will be two dropdowns .1st dropdown- For 1st page Select Other and old passport
2nd drop down- Additional Document and others

4.Schedule appointment, there are two centers one at lal bagh opposite urvashi and other opposite intel, marathalli. Remember to book 10 days prior.

6.Walkin to passport seva kendar and collect a token(different token for people with appointment). If you don't have appointment, it will take long time. Advice to go 30 mins prior to your schedule time.

7.Submit token slip, filled form, supporting documents and pay 300/-

8.Collect acknowledgment reciept, verify documents and you are done.

Rebuilding Car

I admire a person that can work on cars. These machines are such complicated beasts. Not unlike classic literature! My friend loves it when I try to compare his work on cars my work on fiction. But just like the parts of a story, car parts only fit together a certain way. Get them crooked or backwards and they just won't work. A good parts in necessary for functioning of the car.

Even though sometimes it's hard, I think I know how to be pretty creative. I'm not good at crafts, but I can squeeze out a few inspirational words every now and then. I really admire people that can build and rebuild cars.

A relative of mine recently decided that he wanted to find a frame at a junkyard and start building a car. I thought it would be extremely expensive and time consuming, but he showed me Parts Gorilla (where he had bought car parts before) and I saw that maybe he really could pull this off on time and on budget.

AIM, manila accreditations

AIM is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). It is the first graduate business school in Southeast Asia to attain accreditation from the two major international accrediting institutions, AACSB and EFMD( European Foundation for Management Development ).

Importance of global accreditation

Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are in talks to get foreign accreditation to adhere to global benchmark which is likely to help them in seeking tie-up with foreign counterparts. 
IIM Ahmedabad was the first to get such recognition when it got approval from the European agency EQUIS in 2008. IIM Bangalore got a similar accreditation from EQUIS last week. 
he accreditating organisation expects a B-school to adopt certain changes in its functioning to conform to its global standards as they go about the process. A B-school’s objectives, goals and research works come under the lens. “We are tweaking the evaluation methods by detailing feedback given to students and also increasing its frequency.

IIM Kozhikode hopes to get accredited by AMBA (Association of MBAs), a UK-based organisation, in next four months. 

IIMC has been in talks with AACSB International, a North American body, for a year now. An accreditation with AACSB will help IIMC to offer its students double degrees, one each from IIM Calcutta and the other from a US B-school, simultaneously. 

However, getting accreditation is not smooth and easy. Indian School of Business in Hyderabad had applied to AACSB in end of 2006 and is still going through the process.

B-school freshers get Rs 5,000-8,000

Sailing in the same boat is Namit Kumar (B-school freshers), whose MBA institute in Cuttack, Orissa, mostly lay barren as far as placements were concerned.

Namit was lucky to have got a sales job in a retail firm as a result of his own job hunt, for a monthly income of Rs 5,500, minuscule compared to what students from reputed institutes get.

“The entire course fee for two years was nearly Rs 4 lakh, but after spending so much, all I get is peanuts,” complains Kumar.

Namit's story is a grim reality despite talk of jobs and fancy salaries brimming all over again.

Of the 4,000 engineering institutes and approximately 1,600 business schools affiliated with the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), hundreds and thousands of the not-so famous institutes and their students have to grapple with low salaries or a no job scenario.

Advantage Foreign MBA

Does a foreign MBA degree from a renowned institute enhances your prospects of fetching a good job and gives you an edge over the rest?

    Due to globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation, it has become feasible to pursue an MBA course from foreign universities, especially in the UK, Australia, USA and Canada. Distance learning MBAs and online MBAs from foreign universities still have the same attraction. A foreign degree guarantees more exposure since students need to interact with fellow classmates and faculty who are culturallydiverse to learn and evolve. Does a foreign MBA still have the same attraction as in the past decade? “A foreign MBA degree is still attractive for a large pool of people in India, though only a few globally renowned institutes are great to get in, which include Asian Institute of Management - Philippines, London Business School - United Kingdom, Kellogg School of Management - USA, Harvard Business School - USA, Wharton University of Pennsylvania - USA, etc. One of the good points of a foreign MBA degree is its admission criteria which include 3-4 years of corporate experience and case-study presentations, which are based on realtime experience for students to learn the art of management,” notes Sunil Goel, director, GlobalHunt, an executive search firm.
    Says Jayaram K Iyer, professor – marketing, Loyola Institute of Business Administration, “Many gullible students are falling prey to glitzy advertisements and fivestar-hotel fairs from foreign universities that seem to promise more and deliver a lot less; it is as usual the country of origin effect: craze for anything foreign. Most of these foreign universities are here because they can’t find students in their own countries; it is business for them and no education can swerve from altruistic goals. Good foreign MBA degrees are restricted to a few top 30-40 B-schools in the world. However, one good aspect of all these foreign MBA schools is that students get a culturally-diverse exposure that moulds them to be more global in perspective. Of course, they also become more patriotic realising the worth of India.”
    Does a foreign MBA give a better pay, position, etc? “A foreign MBA degree from a renowned institute certainly gives better pay and position as it provides exposure, builds up strategic thinking, leadership ability and foremost, it teaches ways to be a cultural fit in an organisation. Holding a foreign MBA degree from a renowned institute develops high aspirations in a candidate as far as compensation is concerned; this might not be feasible in today’s economic scenario,” adds Goel. So the question is - is a foreign MBA essential to fetch a good job? “Finally, one needs to decide what he/she plans to do after an MBA. This is probably the most defining factor to take a decision. If one is planning to take up a job abroad, one can opt for a foreign MBA. If one plans to return to India on completion, one should think through. Compared to foreign B-schools, Indian institutions offer cost advantage, making them more attractive if one is planning to build one’s career in India,” feels Ajay Oberoi, director general & trustee, AICAR Business School.

Source: Ascent

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  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
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