Most Competitive exam CAT goes Online

The CAT exam which is used for admissions by most of the MBA institutes in India and most importantly IIM’s is going online. This move was contemplated in 2008 but, it will be implemented from 2009. CAT 2009 will be a computer based test with a window of 10 days to choose from.
Students will book a slot in the designated 10 days and give the exam. 250000 students took the exam in 2008. That is some serious number and poses a large logistical challenge. Not as big as the electronic voting machines but a challenge which needs computers and Internet connection.
Students in most of the metros and to-be metros will not have a problem. But, students who are far from cities, computers and Internet might have a problem. No other details are available on how the CAT administrators will meet the new challenges.
Coming to the format of the CAT, the standard of paper CAT is not suited for a computer based test. Paper CAT is tough and requires a lot of calculations. The same thing cannot be reproduced with a computer based test. I am expecting the test makers will look into this and tweak the format accordingly.GRE and GMAT use a bin of questions and present the questions randomly to the test takers. The questions are recycled and so are the bins. Will the same strategy be used by CAT is something to be seen. There are pros and cons for the strategy. Lets see how IIM goes arround with this stratergy. The cost would also go up as it is computerized. GMAT and GRE are arround Rs 10,000 and the numer of people giving CAT also is huge.


The service periodically selects aggregator entries that are "popular" and shows them on the home page. I have create my aggregator AIM MBA , you can also easily create it. overall aggregator popularity matters. Successful aggregators at are typically those belonging to an established blogging community. They are announced and discussed in blogs Also Aggregator widgets can normally be obtained by clicking on a link named "Embed in my website" in the information box of an aggregator's main page. What this link usually looks like is shown below. Overall aggregator popularity does matter, but not in a way that is linear. If aggregator A is 10 times as popular as aggregator B, entries from A have greater odds of showing on the home page, but not 10 times greater odds. It could be 2 times greater odds. The exact calculation depends on our internal algorithms, which will continue to be adjusted in the future. Its overall a very good blog aggregator hosting

PS challenger 25/04

Square J has area of 64 and is contained within square K; square K is contained within square L. If the length of a side of square K is equal to the length of a diagonal of square J and the area of square L is less than the sum of the areas of square J and square K, which of the following could be the length of a side of square L?
a. 11
b. 13
c. 15
d. 17
e. 19

Having your own Site.

I started blogging in Blogspot. It’s a part of google. In starting, I had insignificant idea on the world of blogging, paid hosting, domains and having your personal site.Did not know which technology to build my site on. As time goes by, I was informed by my fellow bloggers who have their sites. I came to know the importance of possessing once own site. I have presently blog on many topics like Islam, finance, mba and health. If I have to make my own website, I have to purchase many domains which will cost me a lot.
I was searching for a solution. The answer was simple, multiple domain hosting. This is a type of web hosting plan that allows its user to have many domains in just one account. This is just grand for bloggers who own a lot of site like me. Web hosting plans are cheap and affordable and most of the plans gives you a free domain name.Web hosting on a server and having your own website sure have a lot of advantages. One important thing is you have the control on all the code. You the owner of everything all tags, ads and much more. I will be enrolling on multiple domain hosting. I like their plans and it is helpful for me who has a lot of interest on diverse topics. If you too are considering making your own site, make sure to have a look at a very good blog about multiple domain hosting. A very innovative technology and reduces lots of costs.

cr challenger 23/05

Taxpayer X: We must make a political statement about Congressional campaign reform and pass the campaign bill. Only by changing all the steps of the political process can we hope for meaningful political reform.Taxpayer Y: Our goal should be to get Congress to change the way it works when in session, rather than the way in which members are elected. Only by changing how Congress works will we reform Congress.
How do the opinions of taxpayer X and taxpayer Y compare?

a. They seek the same end, but differ over the means of achieving it.

b.They seek different ends, but suggest the same means of achieving them.

c. They seek different ends and different means of achieving them.

d.They disagree on whether any member of Congress should attempt to reform Congress.

e. They disagree over the appropriateness of Congressional reform

Compression Connector

Are you interested for a compression connectors ? There is a very good site called has a wide selection of tools available on line for your easy purchased.

If you are searching for FS6U connector, try RG6 because the FS6U compression connector will fit any RG6 or RG6 quad shielded cable. They have stocks on double bubble connectors too as well as hard to find Right angle connectors. These connectors fit coaxial cables.
This company has RCA, "F" and BNC connectors. also have connectors according to wire type such as gold, plenum and double-bubble radial be it RG59, RG6,RG11, mimi or COAX, you will find it here at a reasonable price. If interested please see this Website and place your orders now.

Advanced DS 19/04

Families in which some members argue with each other compete for a chance to appear on Barry Wringer’s TV show. The greater the percentage of family members who argue with each other, the greater the family’s chances of appearing on Wringer’s show. If the Brown family and the Gonzales family both have the same number of members, does the Brown family have a better chance of appearing on Wringer’s show than the Gonzales family?

(1) In each family, male members argue with each other, female members argue with each other, but male members do not argue with female members and vice versa.

(2) The Brown family has the same number of male members as female members. The Gonzales family has more male members than female members.

a. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient.

b. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient.

c. BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.

d.EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.

e. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

Website design

Notion 3 offer the many services like Web Design (HTML, FLASH, JS, CSS, AJAX, XML) , Identity Packages , CMS (Content management Systems) ,CRM (Customer Relationship Management systems) , Custom Web Application Development
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The Web Site Design Services offered by Notion3 is excellent They design, develop and create your website for you from top to bottom. They use the latest HTML, XHTML, CSS, Flash, AJAX, PHP and Javascript to make your sites complete and fast. They will make sure your webpage design is implemented quickly and efficently from A to B They are masters at making your website brilliant and bring it in below budget. They specialize in Content Management at Notion3 and would love to show you what They are capable of.
They have the experience to complete the project on budget properly.Thier prices are the best in town for the quality of work we deliver, they can compete with larger firms, without the overhead, we pass the savings on to the customer.
The site has also many daily notions as Online Media College is Worth a Look , websites are most important to our existing customers too, What Does Graphic Design Mean in 2009 etc. They are very helpfull and give tips.

MBA, is it the right time?

My friend is a current student at Wharton, he says that recruitment season is still very active. I've heard of very few cancellations. There is naturally more competition now, though. It could be that companies are still attending, but they're looking to fill less positions. Also, I think competition is increasing for consulting firms and other popular career paths. The situation has certainly added stress to the recruitment process - some students had jobs locked up at banks with the biggest problems after last year's internships. Even so, though, many find themselves still holding onto their jobs but now working at a new place (e.g. Barclay's). All in all, in my opinion, students are not overly pessimistic. Most are still working their way towards jobs while watching the crisis unfold.

Plano Dentist

A Prosthodontist is a specialist in restoration and substitution of teeth. These are some of the words that come to mind when you enter the offices of Dr. Christine Hopkins at Advanced Dental Centre located in Plano Texas.
Start changing your life today by contacting the Plano dental , Texas offices of Dr. Christine Hopkins for a complimentary smile evaluation. You may find that a beautiful, perfectly functioning smile is just a visit or two away.
Preceding to beginning your dental treatment, Dr. Hopkins meets with you in the consultation room, giving you an opportunity to form a relationship with her before sitting in the examination chair. It is this focus on your comfort and quality service that sets Advanced Dental Care apart. From the calming atmosphere of the office, to Dr. Hopkins’ rare training, Advanced Dental Care provides a level of care unmatched in the industry.
Your smile and your self-confidence go hand-in-hand. Your judgment to enhance your smile is much more than skin deep. You deserve a dentist and a dental team that strives to change lives. Join Dr. Hopkins for a smile evaluation. After a single consultation, you will recognize that your comfort and care are a priority and that a major change in your life is just a visit or two away.

12/04 CR Challenger

Auto industry executive: Statistics show that cars that were built smaller after 1977 to make them more fuel-efficient had a higher incidence of accident-related fatalities than did their earlier larger counterparts. For this reason we oppose recent guidelines that would require us to produce cars with higher fuel efficiency.
Which of the following, if true, would constitute the strongest objection to the executive’s argument?
(A) Even after 1977, large automobiles were frequently involved in accidents that caused death or serious injury.
(B) Although fatalities in accidents involving small cars have increased since 1977, the number of accidents has decreased.
(C) New computerized fuel systems can enable large cars to meet fuel efficiency standards established by the recent guidelines.
(D) Modern technology can make small cars more fuel-efficient today than at any other time in their production history.
(E) Fuel efficiency in models of large cars rose immediately after 1977 but has been declining ever since.
for answers and explanation in comments.

Western Furniture

Are you searching for a best furniture to buy ? I can give you some tips of purchasing a great, affordable and durable furniture It is known as the western furniture, they have great designs and wood when it comes to furniture.
Besides bedroom furniture, they have a lot of furniture for your living room and home office. Besides those, they have things for your kitchen, country home decor
You have many options from the items they sell online. A great way to choose and a smart thing to do. Do have a look if you are interested

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Vocab Power Updated Daily

  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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