Cat aspirants are getting diverse.

See attached image.

IIM Autonomy under threat?

Though the Bill does have several enabling provisions in making them more accountable, it leaves the question of autonomy in doubt.

The draft Bill seeks to do away with the special emphasis on the IIMs by seeking to declare certain institutes of management to be institutions of national importance to empower them to attain standards of global excellence in management, management research and allied areas of knowledge and to provide for certain other matters connected with such institutions or incidental thereto — the IIMs want the Bill to confine itself to them.
Also, the proposed Bill takes away the powers of the institutes to determine fees by making it subject to prior approval of the government. Lastly, the Bill states that in discharge of its functions, the IIM Board will be accountable to the government, whereas the IIMs envisaged accountability only with respect to legal compliance, financial stability and growth of the institutes.
Please let me know your thoughts about the autonomy.
Source: Hindu

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M

Life is busy. It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. If you have a full-time job and kids, it’s even harder.
How do you move forward?
If you don’t purposefully carve time out every day to progress and improve — without question, your time will get lost in the vacuum of our increasingly crowded lives. Before you know it, you’ll be old and withered — wondering where all that time went.
As Professor Harold Hill has said — “You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays.”
Rethinking Your Life and Getting Out of Survival Mode
This article is intended to challenge you to rethink your entire approach to life. The purpose is to help you simplify and get back to the fundamentals.
Sadly, most people’s lives are filled to the brim with the nonessential and trivial. They don’t have time to build toward anything meaningful.
They are in survival mode. Are you in survival mode?
Like Bilbo, most of us are like butter scraped over too much bread. Unfortunately, the bread is not even our own, but someone else’s. Very few have taken the time to take their lives into their own hands.
It was social and cultural to live our lives on other people’s terms just one generation ago. And many millennials are perpetuating this process simply because it’s the only worldview we’ve been taught.
However, there is a growing collective-consciousness that with a lot of work and intention — you can live every moment of your life on your own terms.
You are the designer of your destiny.
You are responsible.
You get to decide. You must decide — because if you don’t, someone else will. Indecision is a bad decision.
With this short morning routine, your life will quickly change.
It may seem like a long list. But in short, it’s really quite simple:
  • Wake up
  • Get in the zone
  • Get moving
  • Put the right food in your body
  • Get ready
  • Get inspired
  • Get perspective
  • Do something to move you forward

Permutation & Combination Puzzle -11th June

1. From a group of 7 men and 6 women, five persons are to be selected to form a committee so that at least 3 men are there on the committee. In how many ways can it be done?
E. None of these

2. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'LEADING' be arranged in such a way that the vowels always come together?
E.None of these

3. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'CORPORATION' be arranged so that the vowels always come together?

Please answer in comments with your explanation. Will Share answer.

Top Asian MBA programs for getting into IB

Ten years’ ago, if you wanted to get into investment banking after completing an MBA, US and European schools were the only options. Not any more – Asia schools are getting a look in.
Now that Asian schools are getting on to the top rankings globally, students from around the world are starting to take note – and so are investment banks’ recruiters. Analysis of the eFinancialCareers CV database, encompassing over 1.2m finance professionals globally, suggests that graduates of Asian business schools are gaining traction in front office investment banking roles.
We then analysed resumes in our database from individuals who went to top Asian universities, trying to work out the percentage of MBA graduates from these schools who went on to work in front office roles in investment banks.
The top two universities are both from Mainland China: Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, each with a 42% of their MBA graduates

The second group consists a mixture of schools from Hong Kong, Mainland China and India, led by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with 40% of its MBA graduates in front office jobs. China Europe International Business School (better known as CEIBS), a rapidly growing school in reputation and ranking, has 37% – on par with a few other Hong Kong-based business schools.
On contrast, the two Singaporean universities don’t have as many MBA graduates as other schools who go into front office roles. National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University only achieved 34% and 30% respectively, even lower than Indian Institute of Management, which has an impressive figure of 38%. This is possibly down to the fact that Singapore has traditionally been a hub for back office and technology work rather than front office positions.
Of course, front office has many sub-categories. In hot areas like M&A, it’s still the Mainland China universities that take the lead. This time CEIBS tops the list with a ratio of 32%, followed by Fudan and Shanghai Jiaotong with 27% and 24% respectively. Universities in Hong Kong, the most important financial centres in Asia, don’t seem to churn out a lot of MBA graduates who go into M&A.

Incorrectly Used Words-Communication errors

Communication is the key to any business transactions. It is the most important part of our daily work. Below are list of common misused word one must be careful about

Advise and advice
Ultimate and penultimate
Well and good
If and whether
Award and reward
Sympathy and empathy
Criterion and criteria
Mute and moot
Peak and peek
Aggressive and enthusiastic
Then and than
Evoke and invoke
Continuously and continually
Systemic and systematic
Impact and affect (and effect)

5 Most Common MBA Interview Questions

These are 5 most common interview questions. One should prepare these very well.

1. Tell us something about yourself.
2. Have you done your SWOT? What are your strengths & weaknesses?
3. Do you know where you’re headed? Where do you see yourself 5/10 years from now?
4. Do you know the purpose for your being there? Why MBA?
5. Do you have a strong hold on your learning curve? Questions about the Course you are pursuing or pursued.

Please share your answers in comments.

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Vocab Power Updated Daily

  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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