AIM Webcast April 18 2011

Fun at MBA

Webcast by AIM's associate Dean

Prof. Lim, Ricardo A.  is available for webcast Q&A on Monday,  April 18, at 11am (8.30 am IST) The webcast will be at livestream channel, can be viewed at<>, click livestream icon on the left and watch the show. 
The other way is to view it straight from<>

Professor Ricardo A. Lim, PhD is the Don Benigno Toda, Jr. Professor of Business Management. He is currently the Associate Dean of the W.SyCip Graduate School of Business (WSGSB) where he is a core faculty of the MBA Program. He teaches innovation, teams, knowledge management, risk management, marketing, operations, and quantitative analysis. 

This is a very good way to clear all your doubts about AIM, I encourage all students who plan to come to AIM should attend this webcast.

Webcast by AIM's associate Dean

Prof. Lim, Ricardo A.  is available for webcast Q&A on Monday,  April 18, at 11am (8.30 am IST) The webcast will be at livestream channel, can be viewed at<>, click livestream icon on the left and watch the show. 

The other way is to view it straight from<>

Professor Ricardo A. Lim, PhD is the Don Benigno Toda, Jr. Professor of Business Management. He is currently the Associate Dean of the W.SyCip Graduate School of Business (WSGSB) where he is a core faculty of the MBA Program. He teaches innovation, teams, knowledge management, risk management, marketing, operations, and quantitative analysis. 

This is a very good way to clear all your doubts about AIM, I encourage all students who plan to come to AIM should attend this webcast.

Webcast by AIM's associate Dean

Prof. Lim, Ricardo A.  is available for webcast Q&A on Monday,  April 18, at 11am (8.30 am IST) The webcast will be at livestream channel, can be viewed at<>, click livestream icon on the left and watch the show. 

The other way is to view it straight from<>

About Lim, Ricardo A.

Professor Ricardo A. Lim, PhD is the Don Benigno Toda, Jr. Professor of Business Management. He is currently the Associate Dean of the W.SyCip Graduate School of Business (WSGSB) where he is a core faculty of the MBA Program. He teaches innovation, teams, knowledge management, risk management, marketing, operations, and quantitative analysis. 

This is a very good way to clear all your doubts about AIM, I encourage all students who plan to come to AIM should attend this webcast.

Webcast by AIM's associate Dean

Prof. Lim, Ricardo A.  is available for webcast Q&A on Monday,  April 18, at 11am (8.30 am IST) The webcast will be at livestream channel, can be viewed at<>, click livestream icon on the left and watch the show. 

The other way is to view it straight from<>

About Lim, Ricardo A.

Professor Ricardo A. Lim, PhD is the Don Benigno Toda, Jr. Professor of Business Management. He is currently the Associate Dean of the W.SyCip Graduate School of Business (WSGSB) where he is a core faculty of the MBA Program. He teaches innovation, teams, knowledge management, risk management, marketing, operations, and quantitative analysis. 

This is a very good way to clear all your doubts about AIM, I encourage all students who plan to come to AIM should attend this webcast.

AIM is AACSB accredited!

Last week AIM,manila got AACSB accredited . AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business - is the professional association for college and university management education and the premier accrediting agency for colleges.
The AACSB accredition is an achievement for AIM, only 6 MBA colleges in ASIA are AACSB accredited.

IIMs to get autonomy

Senior officials, has decided to give up some of its powers to IIMs. This includes the power to select own directors and chairmen and pay the faculty as desired.
"We have decided that the autonomy of IIMs should be enhanced through amendments in the memorandum of articles (MoA). For instance, the process of appointment of the chairperson and the board is not very transparent and gives a lot of power to the ministry.
Now, we are saying that the institutes have a better idea of their culture and can take care of such selections. They will suggest the names and the ministry will appoint the officials.
Among the changes proposed, IIMs will be able to trim the board size from over 26 at present to 14, appoint alumni members on the board and decide the pay structure of staff and faculty independent of pay commissions.


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  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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