AIMAT 2010

AIMAT is entrance exam for AIM, Manila. its a 2 hrs paper, It is a GMAT format. At the end you need to write an essay.

It's critical reasoning is toughest. you need to prepare with IQ tests, you can find material in aim mba google group. a


 The clocks on the walls, the clocks on the computers, the clocks on hands and wrists, alarm clocks, the Howard Miller wall clock, the howardmillergrandfatherclocks, the sundials, those sticks that tell us what to do, and all other sorts of names and titles that those time pieces can go by. And a host of other sayings about that word time. A stitch in time saves nine and any other saying there is to be said about that word time. And what else more is there that I can say about this word time that has not already been said in time, as it seems as if I find myself blogging about clocks on this blog every so often for some reason or another. And watches and clocks are another one of those things that I have seen everywhere throughout my travels here on planet earth for as long as I can remember throughout time. And now with the invention of all things internet these days and times, one can buy one of those clocks without ever having to leave home, or at least without ever having to leave a computer, as the invention of all things internet has made buying one of those clocks and just about anything else one can think of just a website visit away.

CAT 2010 Practice Test

Many students like to solve the CAT 2010 Practice Test to sharpen their minds and knowledge these days. Cracking CAT 2010 is not impossible as many students do so very successfully after good preparations.

Online CAT Tips

For CAT aspirants, there are certain important guidelines, which they need to follow; proper time management is very important. Fixing up personal deadlines for various mock tests and preparation of quant, vocabulary, reasoning is required. Practice to work under stress and anxiety like real test conditions. Benchmarking your performance with others is another important thing to be kept in mind. Over the year the number of questions has decreased substantially, earlier there used to be 200 questions which decreased to 150 – 123 and further reduced to 90 questions.

The key to success, therefore, lies in two important parameters- Accuracy or strike date and smart selection of the questions you want to attempt. One should develop a clear strategy before going for the CAT examination – Clearing the concepts in mathematics, puzzle solving, knowledge on current issues and economics. Develop a good hold on essay writing and most importantly increase your vocabulary by over 1000 words. All these are some important guidelines for the CAT aspirants, which they need to follow for cracking the CAT, 10.

CAT 2010

CAT2010 is going on . According to the experts, the overall difficulty level of the questions was from Easy to Moderate. In comparison to CAT 2009, the paper was tough, but barring four to five tough questions in each section the rest were attemptable. An attempt of 42 to 45 questions in total and 12 to 15 questions in a section can fetch a good call. 

Along with maximising your attempts, you should focus on your accuracy. Around 90% accuracy will be enough for clearing the cut offs and ensuring a call from top B-schools. In order to ensure accuracy, you should attempt only those questions which you are sure of. 

Best of luck to all who are going to give CAT.

AIM Learnings

I am trying to capture my learnings in a new blog, called AIM Learning
Main subjects are human behavior, management communication and Marketing.

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Vocab Power Updated Daily

  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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