GD topics
1. Should FDI be allowed in India?
2. Privatization of electrical distribution
3. Commercialization of Medical operations.
4. Stock Market: A investment house or betting ground.
1. Should FDI be allowed in India?
2. Privatization of electrical distribution
3. Commercialization of Medical operations.
4. Stock Market: A investment house or betting ground.
My interview was on 4th febuary. Reached IBS punjugutta at 6:30 am there were flood of people and buses were piling on .It took 30 mins to get on the bus. reached IBS campus at 8:00 am , arround 1200 peole gathered (coupons were distibuted while we entered and the coupon number went upto 1200), were divided into four groups A,B,C and D . A and B had there process first and we had to wait in the campus till 1:00 pm.
I was in C ,Then I had an interview around 1:45 pm the questions I were asked.
1. Tell me about tourself?
2.Module in capital market theory?
3. What is blogging?
4.What is sensex? how it moves
5.How wil engineering help in MBA?
6. Why you need mba to open enterprise?
7.Why is china market differnt from Indian market?
Lasted around 10 mins
After this there was presentation , I have mentioned this in my other blog
What is retail?
Make products available to customer from the producers.
The phase of retail is
Categories of Retail in India
Ready to go
These type of products have set up there existence in the market and not much has to be done at backend to get output from here.
Example . electronics, masala
These type does not have a good supply chain management and more than 30 percent are lost due to transportation and refrigeration storage.
Example fresh groceries , frozen products, milk products
3.Wait and Watch
These type of products cannot be dealt with ease because of the stringent policies in India , and all states have different rules, VAT so tough to operate for these products in India
Example liquor and medicine
// What about retail related to garment, industry , like pantools, @central and shoppers stop. You should mention something about them also.
Why Boom in India?
Rising consumer income
3. Real Estate Developments
4. Better Infrastructure
5. Cheap Labour
That’s why not only Indian players are playing big on retail , International Majors like Walmart and Carefour are eyeing Indian Market.
All sectors are seeing tremendous growth and many retail stores are following that format .
Like Health Sector
Reliance Wellness , Is planning big
Dabur will launch newU
Bare Body Essential at Bangalore
Pantaloon will soon come up with MAC and BodyShop
Fitness One
Advantages of Retail from consumer point of view
1 improved avaibality and quality
2. Maintain variety of products
3. Pleasant cool environment
4. Financing Options payment availability
5. Trail rooms //What is this, are these changing rooms, please remove this point ??
6. Return and exchange policy
7. More welfare for the farmers, as they supply directly to reltailers, without involvement of any middlemen
What about business point of view, are their any advantages ??
1. Volume based revenues
1. Does consumer have money for all retails, many malls are empty with very less footfalls a day.
2. Tracking barcodes, more cost and work.
3. Overcrowding at cities, Infrastructure jam parking problems.
4. Cost imperative to make sure logistics is carried out and efficiently, through most appropriate allocation of resource along supply change.
5. IT services and technology advancement which can improve supply like GPS
6. Protest by kirana stores - moble retail example
7. Norm and government policies.
Time around 4:50 mins
questions asked by students
1.What does three Vs stand in retail?
2.What does cash and carry mean in Walmart ?
3.What are different financing options?
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