If an Electical Engineer , brush up these Qs

What is the difference between neutral and earth?
Why is alternating current used for transmission?
What is corona?
What is skin effect?
Why is the voltage stepped up before transmission?
What are the standard transmission and distribution voltages?
Explain transmission and distribution systems?
What are lightening arrestors?
What is the difference between an insulator and a dielectric?
Explain the principle of operation of relay and a circuit breaker?
What is 3-phase supply?
What is a busbar?
What are the disadvantages of low power factor?
What is arc formation?
Why do we require protection against lightening?
What is substation?
What is grading of a cable?
What are transmission cables made of?
What is the purpose of a fuse?
Explain the power rating of this bulb, say 60W, what if the voltage changes?
Why is the earth pin in a 3-pin plug the longest and the thickest?
Which is the motor used in fan ?
Explain the basic operation of dc motor / generator, induction motor, synchronous motor, stepper motor, and repulsion motor.
What is hysteresis loss?
Why do we use a starter for a dc Motor?
What are back emf, commutation, armature reaction, stray losses; and breakdown torque?
Why is an induction motor called a rotating transformer?
What is slip?
What is the purpose of compensating winding?
What will happen if you supply a fan with dc?
What is cogging and crawling?
Why shouldn’t you start a shunt motor on a heavy load?
What are dummy coils?
What are CT and PT?
What is voltage build up of a generator?
What is a universal motor?
Why is transformer rating in KVA?
What is voltage regulation?
Why is transformer flux constant?
Why is an induction motor used for most domestic applications?
What is regenerative braking?
Give an example where a transformer is used in a dc application.
What is the problem with a fan that does not rotate unless rotated manually to start?
What are brushless alternators?
What are equalizer rings used for?
What are interpoles used for?
What is eddy current loss?
What is plugging of an induction motor?
What is the principle of operation in a tube light?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of compact fluorescent lamps?
Which is more dangerous - shock due to ac or dc?
What is an UPS?
What is the approximate power production capacity of India / Kerala?
Principle of dc motor?
Uses of servomotor.
How do you specify the rating of transformer?
How is speed control of ac motors achieved?
Differentiate MC and MI instruments.
What are integrating instruments? Give examples?
Users of PLL circuits.
How do you convert fixed ac to variable dc?
Purpose of testing thyristors in speed control of drives.
Uses of Schmidt trigger circuits.
How can you eliminate noise in digital circuits?
Explain low pass filter?
How is the alternator synchronized to the main busbar?
What is a Scott connected transformer?
What is commutation in dc machines?
What are damper windings?
What are cooling methods used to cool a transformer?
Can you start a series motor without load? If no, why?
Draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer.
What is R model of a circuit?
What is specified in synchronous watts?
How are lines affected due to switching operations?
Is there any difference between the circuit breakers and the isolators?
What do we prefer, overhead cables or underground cables?
Is corona more in dc lines or ac lines?
Are single induction motors self-starting?
In a delta connected circuit are 3rd harmonics present?
What is a shunt?
What is phase swinging?
What is phase margin?
What type of motor is needed in hoists?
What is IDMT? What is principle?
What is current chopping?
Which circuit breaker uses current chopping circuit?
Can an inverter be used as a converter? How?
What are the types of faults that can occur in a 3-phase line?
What is a ground line?
What is form factor?
What is an oscillator?
Does an oscillator have input? If so, draw it?
What is modulation?
How do you start an induction motor?
Which type of luminance has greater visibility - GLS or FL?
How would you conserve electricity at home, being an electrical engineer?
What is the generating voltage in India?
Which generating station in Kerala has the largest capacity?
Which is the oldest generating station in Kerala?
What is SEADA?
Why do we use a wave trap, draw the circuit?
What is power line communication?
What is the difference between an overcurrent relay and a fuse?
How can you control the output voltage in an inverter and converter?
How can you decrease the harmonics in a wave form?
What are travelling waves?
What is the general industrial power factor in India?
What is diversity factor?
Why is the wave form sinusoidal?
Practical applications of variable resistance
Explain the working of a ceiling fan?
What are the equipment in a substation?
What are instrument transformers?
Name the thyristor that can be turned off by applying signals to its gate terminal.
What is the significance of having 11KV as the generation voltage?
Effect of a free wheeling diode?
What is a page hit?
What is cache memory?
What do the three pins of a socket represent?
Basic circuitry of voltage stabilizer?
How do you drive a motor using 8085 microprocessor?
How does a tester work?
How is magnetic field intensity calculated in the vicinity of a current carrying wire?

Important topics in Electrical Engineering

Machines and power systems - make sure that your basics are clear in these, no need to go deep into the subject. Microprocessor, with basic knowledge in latest technologies. Analog design and development methods. Digital circuits. Questions on seminar, industrial training and project.

MBA Abroad –II - Strategy for preparation and Study Material

Strategy for Preparation
Group with like-minded people

I advise all the aspirants to prepare in a group. Form a group of 3-4 but not more than 5 people and then start preparation. Don’t commit the mistake of all booking the GMAT on the same day, group members book your GMAT dates over a period of one month with ideally a gap of one week each, I am telling this, because one can benefit from the mistakes of others. The Advantages of group preparation are plenty: -• Books and Material required for preparation are costly, group preparation helps in sharing the costs and it gets reduced to a significant extent. • Individual people are good in individual areas and thus it helps in learning from one another. • Group mates will be greatly helpful in analyzing schools, and completing your applications, you can distribute the load and discuss the schools. • Group preparation prevents your morale from going down during preparation days. Believe me, it would be very frustrating when you appear for mock tests especially of Kaplan, so it gives you a lot of comfort when you know other people preparing are also sailing in the same boat, the discussion on mistakes will also be helpful.

Study Material

Books to Refer: -• Official Guide (OG) to GMAT, the book is available from GMAC, but its costly, I advise purchase one and share the cost or get it Xeroxed, this is the bible to crack GMAT. • Kaplan Test preparation Guide. • Kaplan 800 GMAT guide. • Princeton Review GMAT preparation guide. For GMAT preparation these four books are more than enough, I advise to start with Kaplan Test preparation and OG simultaneously. Then go through Princeton Review and finally 800 GMAT. Finally in the last 10- 15 days just revise the material, and go back on mistakes previously made, especially in the OG. For those who are poor in English, in the initial attempt its rare that one gets more then 60% correct. Revise the material and your accuracy will increase. Do OG 2-3 times and increase your accuracy to around 85- 90 %.Where to Purchase books?These books are pretty costly; each will be more than Rs1000. Search the Internet, one can get cheaper copies of originals at net, I had purchased mine from Fabmall and ebay. The copies at Internet are up to 40-50%, less, so a handsome amount can be saved. Software Required: -Kaplan Guide is available in two versions with and without Test preparation Software’s. I suggest purchasing one without Test preparation software for those who live in metros and one with test preparation software for those in non-metros. This is because; pirated copies of Kaplan Test preparation software are easily available at very low cost of Rs 80-100 in metros. GMAC also sends official preparation software to all the people who register for GMAT. Internet Internet is a big source of help; there are plenty of study forums and groups. I was late in searching these but one must join daily digests of these. I am listing some prominent ones: -www.scoretop. com www.edulix.comwww.xoxohth. comYahoo groups like Step2006intakeI recommend searching for more groups for the class you are preparing for. Every year students create these groups. People say paid version of score top is good, I had not used that one but I used its discussion forum, which I joined 5 days before my exam. I advise all aspirants to utilize maximum benefits of the score top discussion forum; also some of my friends have told me that edulix also has excellent discussion forums. I would also advise all future aspirants to read Samba’s postings at http://simba. pagalguy. com/Simba aka Sowyna is an Indian Girl. She constantly writes about her life. She is currently studying at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. In her posts one can find lot of insight about B- Schools and their admission process. In fact only after Inspired by her I am writing this series of articles.

Free Tests

There are plenty of free tests available in Internet. Kaplan, Princeton has a sample free test on their web site, similarly other websites also have few free tests available.

Tip’s to Score High in English

English is the most difficult portion for most of the Indian graduates, if one doesn’t agree then I am sorry but at least it was difficult for me :-) Indian Graduates are poor in comprehension. Generally the GMAT consists of 4 – 5 passages, which are quite tedious and boring. The passages are generally on American history, social differences or some new scientific discoveries. The words used are difficult and unfamiliar ones. How to crack? I suggest one should read few novels on American history. I improved my comprehension to a great extent after this. I had read Roots by Alex Haley. The novel is very boring initially but is one of the best on American history and covers a lot about life of slaves, and blacks in America, a favorite topic of GMAT exam setters. The author traces the journey of his 6 generations from African forests to current America. The other novel I had read was To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. Also I suggest all aspirants to read Harvard Business Review, and Economist.One can improve his comprehension to a limit, but with practice one can achieve 95- 100% accuracy in Sentence Correction and Critical Reasoning. So I suggest preparing for them with full rigor.

Tip’s to Score Full in Math’s

For Indian applicants who have prepared for CAT, math’s section in GMAT is a cakewalk. For those who haven’t prepared for CAT just strengthen your fundamentals of class Xth Math and prepare for Data Sufficiency section. DS section is somewhat tough. Hope these articles are helpful to you all, in the next article I will write about selecting B-schools.

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Interview Tips

As results are pouring in , congratulation to all who have cleared the first hurddle , Now comes the second one for which i have found a very good article in rediff which i am sharing with you.

Though there is no dearth of articles on interview etiquette, there is an actual shortage of good articles on the most crucial factor in an interview -- the interviewer's questions and your answers. Many problems candidates have include nervousness and stammering in an interview, which is directly related to the candidate's unfamiliarity with the questions and a general lack of preparation.
We have discussed below a few of the most commonly asked interview questions at B-school interviews. We have not given any ready-made answers to the questions, but have tried to help you arrive at the correct answer yourself, so that you sound natural and coherent in an interview.
Q. Tell me some thing about yourself.This is how most interviews begin and this is one question you cannot afford to be unprepared for.
To frame a good answer it is always helpful to know what is it that the interviewer wants to know about you. An interviewer would like to know.
~ Your educational background~ Your work experience, if any~ Your strengths and achievements~ About your family background~ About where you are coming from academically, professionally
You should be short and crisp about all the points mentioned above. If the interviewer needs an elaboration s/he will ask you.

Q. Why do you want to join this institute?This is one question you should answer honestly and pragmatically. Ideally you should choose an institute based on certain criteria. Such as
~ Ranking/ placements~ Courses offered~ Fee~ Location
It is good to do a little research on the institute, its placements and about certain specialisation(s) it may be known for. An informed analysis of the institute can convince the interviewer that you are sincerely interested. It also helps you in identifying parameters critical for you while choosing the particular institute.
Q. Which other institutes have you applied to?This is a question that is very much linked to the previous question. For example, if you say that you had chosen IRMA because you have a flair for Rural Marketing and while answering this question you don't mention the name of other institutes known to offer quality course in Rural Marketing you are in trouble. So these two questions are to be prepared simultaneously avoiding conflicts in answers.
Q. How will you add value to this institute if you make it through?This is an opportunity to showcase your strengths but remember it is essential that your strengths should be supported by related achievements.
Your background and circumstances can also be your strengths and can be used as equally important points in supporting your answer.
Remember, an achievement doesn't necessarily mean a prize. It can also be your successfully coming out of a crisis situation or you managing to run a small project with your friends.
Q. What do you consider your biggest failure?CAUTION: This is not an opportunity to pour out your darkest secrets. This is a question that is best played down. For example, if you are overweight, you may mention -- "I have been trying to shed weight for the last few years but couldn't do it still." The answer should be framed so that it does not reflect badly on your career thus far, or your future career.
Another way of answering would be a smart statement: "I have never allowed failure to drag me down. I just got up, took my lesson and picked my way forward." Here it would help to have a certain experience picked out.
Q. Why have you chosen this career?This is an area where a mature and realistic answer is expected. People choose their career based on several reasons, such as:
~ What is your aptitude?~ What kind of a social, professional and personal environment do you desire?~ What is your background and achievements?~ What motivates you? ~ What activities do you enjoy?
Q. What is the last book you read? Many experts would tell you that you should know the ins and out of the books and everything about the author and his writing style. If you know these facts, it can't hurt, but if you are not the kind of a person who would research the background and other facts about books, but read for fun, it is okay to mention it. The only thing is that your answer should be natural, convincing and rational.

For example, if the interviewer asks you for more detail about the author you may just reply.
"I'm sorry but I haven't read much about the author. But I liked this book because..."
Q. How will your contribute to this campus if we select you?This is a question that directly relates to your strengths and aspiration. Take this as an opportunity to showcase the various qualities that you possess which may benefit the college, academically, culturally or in any other way.
Q. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?This is not when you start throwing in fancy designations. Instead, concentrate on the kind of roles people in those designations are expected to play. If the question specifically asks for your professional goals then stick to it, otherwise it is a good idea to balance it with your personal goals.
Q. Who is your role model?Your role model can be anyone � a public figure or even someone from your family. It is a good idea to know a lot about the person you would make your role model. It is important to focus on the qualities that inspire you and how you try to inculcate those qualities in yourself. It is always important to tell why s/he is different from her/his peers.
Q. Do your have any questions for me?"No" would be a bad answer. It is good to have a few questions that relate to the academic and cultural environment of the institution. This will show your enthusiasm. In a nutshell, an interview just analyses how balanced and rational you are. So, just be yourself! Preparing yourself for the questions listed above will give you the confidence to handle even unexpected questions. You should ideally write down your answer to these questions (but please don't try to mug up answers you think would be 'ideal') and practice giving interviews along these lines with a friend.

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Vocab Power Updated Daily

  • COBBLED - Repair or mend
  • ABHORRENCE - Hate coupled with disgust
  • INCUMBENCY - The term during which some position is held
  • MITIGATE -Lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  • dubious - Open to doubt or suspicion
  • FOSTERING - Encouragement; aiding the development of something
  • ELICIT- Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
  • PLAUSIBLE - Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
  • FORGE - Move ahead steadily
  • BOLSTER (V)-Support and strengthen
  • ECCENTRIC- A person with an unusual or odd personality
  • PATRONAGE - The act of providing approval and support
  • IMPERVIOUS - Not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

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