SIBM and SCMHRD last day on January 06
forms are very scare , do get it fast from IMS
GIM last day for online application is 31st december,2007
GLIM is january 18th,2008
SIBM and SCMHRD last day on January 06
forms are very scare , do get it fast from IMS
GIM last day for online application is 31st december,2007
GLIM is january 18th,2008
This was first interview call experience at SP jain, mumbai , had arrived on thursday night for the first time at mumbai. , The Airport was really beautifull with an international like feel , The parking lots shade impressed me the most I had earlier booked a hotel , as we know its tough and exspensive to get a hotel in mumbai. I arrived at andheri, west at Bhavan's college at 8:00 am for SPJAT test. For the first time I have got the feel of a business school , It was really nice , We were taken to a classroom FLC , it was a typical MBA college with levels of seat .
The SPJAT was 1 hour test with 6 section 44 question including Qunatitative section, diagrammatic reasoning , General Awaress , Data Sufficency , critical reasoning and Reading Comprehension.The paper went good , by the way I got 81 percent in the same.
Next was essay writing , The essay were
1. 3 moral principles which guides us in work place
2.How will MBA change your work behaviour attitude?
we had to write these and were given 20 mins each.
Then , we had to do a case study , The topic was 'Startergies for global success of products/services if you were CEO of the company'
I had given three points 1. Create a on-shore office.
2. Market research/study of global consumer market.
3.Hiring college recruits , training them and having a bond with them.
After these , we were formed in groups for all other process in the day. Which were group discussion , personal interview and Verification.
the group discussion topic was 'Should doctor's be taken to consumer part?'
I listened carefully to few person , and I made a point Doctors have made this a bussiness were normal delivery is required they operate early 'ceasarian' , they do a service and if the costumer is not happy for service he can go to a court questioning the same.
Basically in G.D you should be to the point and say something solid , loud and confidentaly , Dont change sides. Do speak up within 7 mins , and do keep seeing and agreeing with your fellow members and add 'I agree' , Basically in 15 mins ideally all should speak 1.5 mins , If you speak well for 1 mins without anyone stopping you for two times , You have done your G.D well.
Next was person interview and eldery man and a woman have taken my interview , They welcomed me with a nice smile , First question ; Introduce yourself
Why an MBA ?
Why Investment banking?
what is p/e of sensex?
p/e of Larson and turbo.
WHo calculates the p/e and why is it important?
What did you do in HP?
I tried to answer with atmost confidence , but we was not conviced that with 2-3 yrs experience in software I should take Investment banking. Interview lasted for 10 mins.
My learning from this is you should be very clear what you want in life and why do an mba? Also be thorough with financial terms and market technicals.
Overall SP Jain experience was good, the evaluation process was very smooth though they took 2000 bucks. They had a nice canteen with good food , The building and ambience was good the site of students in library with laptops doing there project, some doozing off was nice.made ffew friends of different background.
After a hectic day we want to Infiniti Mall in Andheri , Its one of the biggest in India , spent some hours there before heading to Kurla station where my train was waiting for me.
With the end of IBSAT and SNAP , We have done our best and thats over for people who have done good congrats , but no one knows till Symbiosis takes out the result , So get ready for the next exam NMAT
Language Skills
Qs -40
Quantitative Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency
Time- 55
Intelligence & Logical Reasoning
Some questions are unanswered regarding the timing for each section are we free do what we want or restricted
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